
    摘要 2000年以后,随着第一代独生子女逐渐进入了婚育年龄,学者们的研究视角开始转向“80后”父母,“独生父母”的概念也随之产生。目前,学术界研究针对的是父母教养方式对子女产生的影响,以及对“独生父母”群体自身特点的论述,而涉及“独生父母”家庭教养方式的研究很少,学术界对“80后”“独生父母”的家庭教育方式一直存在争议,在问题的发现与对策分析的研究上也比较欠缺。本文则在此基础上以城市“80后”独生子女为对象,通过对独生子女家庭与非独生子女家庭的个案对比,深入系统地探析其家庭教养方式,并通过双向研究深入访谈独生子女家庭教养模式,研究分析其成长的社会环境变化对他们实施家庭教育的影响,指出他们在家庭教养方式上呈现的独特性,发现潜在问题,分析成因,最后从社会工作视角给出指导城市“80后”独生子女实施家庭教育的对策,以促进其家庭教养方式的改善。 47748

    毕业论文关键词:城市; 80后; 独生子女; 家庭教养方式


    After the year of 2000, with the first generation--- one-child gradually entering into the age of marriage, scholars have turned their research perspectives to parents of " after 80s “,therefore, the concept of “parents of only one-child” emerges accordingly. At present, the academic area make research mainly on the impact of parents’ way of upbringing children and on the comments of characteristics of parents of " after 80s’ rather than the way of upbringing child, so there has been controversial in academia about the family education of " after 80s", it is also deficient in discovering problems and studying countermeasures analysis. On this basis, taking the urban "after 80s" only-child as the object, the author in this paper explores in-depth the way of family upbringing mode systematically by comparing inpidual case of one-child family and the opposite, and analyzes the influence of social environment change on implementing family education through two-way research on one-child family education mode to point  out their uniqueness in family upbringing, to identify potential problems and analyze the causes, finally from the perspective of social work to provide the city "after 80s" one-child family countermeasures of  education implementation in order to promote the family upbringing mode.

    Keywords: city; after 80s; only Children; family patterns 

    目    录

    一、概念的界定 4

    (一)“80后” 4

    (二) 独生子女 4

    (三) 独生父母 5

    (四) 家庭教养方式 5

    二、调查研究 5

    (一)研究方法 5

    (二)资料收集 5

    (三)被访者背景资料 6

    三、 独生子女家庭教养方式 7

    (一)父母教养风格 7

    (二)亲子互动方式 9

    (三)行为控制方式 10

    (四)自主培养 10

    (五)父母心理接纳 11

    四、优化独生子女家庭教养方式的对策建议 14


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