Empirical research on Micro class resources bridging the differences among students—basing on the case study of Employment Guidance for College Students
Since China launched the micro class concept, research in this field is booming. The current study found that micro lesson has played an important role in teachers' professional development, regional education balancing, promotion of students’ media literacy, etc. However, based on the existing research findings, the respective learning effects of micro class resources on students with high achievement and low achievement are not clear. Therefore, the research question of this study is: compared with the traditional site class, what’s the influence of micro class resources on students' learning effects?
This study invited, as our subjects, 191 full-time undergraduates from Jiangsu Normal University who had not attended employment guidance courses. Researchers are pided into four groups, including group A as the control group, group B, C, D as experimental groups. The control group accepted the traditional classroom lectures, and the experimental groups learn by course video, micro video, and "micro video + MAKA” respectively.
After 2 classes, the study found that: (1) grades of low achievers is in general on the rise, and the gap between high and low achievement students reduced; (2) the richness of micro lesson form is proportional to the students' perception and satisfaction; (3) MAKA (WeChat HTML 5 video scene), made a significant lift in learning efficiency.
Key words: micro class; Employment Guidance for College Students; research & study; Low achievement learners; Learners of high achievement
摘要 IV
目录 VI
一 绪论 1
(一)研究背景 1
(二)问题提出 2
(三)研究目标 2
(四)研究意义 2
(五)研究框架 3
(六)研究方法 3
(七)关键术语界定 4
二 文献综述 5
(一)微课及相关概念研究 5