In recent years, the conference market in China has developed rapidly. The huge conference market has provided an opportunity for the prosperity and development of the hotel industry. Many hotels have positioned themselves as conference-type hotels. With the success of the G20 summit, Hangzhou has gradually moved toward a new height in the conference industry, which also brings great opportunities for conference hotels in Hangzhou. This study mainly focuses on four typical conference hotels in Hangzhou. It uses document analysis, content analysis, case study, survey and interview methods,and collects and screens online reviews of well-known travel and conference websites — Ctrip Cheng, TripAdvisor and Conference Guests.The use of Rost Content Mining software for word frequency analysis to study the customer perception of the hotel and its advantages and disadvantages, and put forward corresponding suggestions for improvement.
目 录
1.绪论 7
1.1.选题背景 7
1.2.选题意义 7
1.2.1.理论意义 7
1.2.2.实践意义 7
1.3.研究内容和技术路线 8
1.3.1.研究内容 8
1.3.2.技术路线 8
1.4.研究方法 9
1.4.1.文献分析法 9
1.4.2.内容分析法 9
1.4.3.个案研究法 9
1.4.4.访谈调查法 9
1.4.5.软件应用——RostContentMining 9
1.5.研究对象 9
1.5.1.杭州洲际酒店 10
1.5.2.杭州黄龙饭店 11
1.5.3.杭州开元名都大酒店 12
1.5.4.杭州凯悦酒店 13
1.6.创新之处 14
2.相关文献研究综述 14
2.1.相关概念定义 14
2.1.1.会议型酒店 14
2.1.2.在线评论 15
2.1.3.用户感知 15
2.2.国外会议型酒店研究综述 15
2.2.1.会议型酒店相关研究 15
2.2.2.酒店用户在线评论研究 15