摘要:随着房地产快速发展,其公共服务设施对房地产价格的影响逐渐成为热门话题。城市中诸多公共服务设施如公园、公交、学校、医院等给人们带来了便利,代表了城市的发展水平和城市的吸引力。然而,近年来,与城市建设快速发展相伴,很多城市暴露出居民对公共服务设施可达性较差不满的问题, 对城市的宜居性造成了负面影响。
关键词: 公共服务设施;房地产价格;消费者
Urban public service facilities affect real estate prices
Abstract:With rapid development of real estate, the public service facilities affect real estate prices gradually become a hot topic. City public service facilities such as parks, buses, schools and hospitals, has brought people convenience, represents the development level of cities and attractions of the city. However, in recent years, accompany with rapid development of urban construction, many urban residents exposed to poor accessibility of public service facilities of problem, had a negative impact on city livability.
This paper explains the concept of urban public service facilities and real estate prices and containing, at the same time analysis to understand the present situation and characteristics of the urban public service facilities, from economy, population structure and city planning as a way to analyze the three aspects of urban public service facilities influence on real estate prices, and put forward relevant Suggestions, used to improve the present situation of the urban public service facilities. At the same time, the author through analyzing Zhabei district real estate prices, by contrast method to price differs Zhabei park location and Peng Pu investigation section of public service facilities, chart analysis expounds better public service facilities in house prices and the influence of consumers willing to pay the price, for the government to the public service facilities in resource management and investment to provide the reference.
Keywords:public service facilities;real estate prices;consumers
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究意义 2
1.3 国内外研究现状 2
1.4 研究内容 4
2 城市公共服务设施和房地产价格的含义 5
2.1 城市公共服务设施的含义 5
2.1.1 公共服务的概念 5
2.1.2 城市公共服务设施的含义 5
2.2 房地产价格的含义 6
2.3 本章小结 7
3 城市公共服务设施的特征与现状 8
3.1 城市公共服务设施的特征 8
3.2 城市公共服务设施的现状 9
3.3 本章小结 10
4 房地产价格的影响因素 11
4.1 经济因素 11
4.2 社会因素 11
4.3 行政因素 11
4.4 房地产内在因素和周边环境因素 12
4.5 本章小结 12
5 城市公共服务设施对房地产价格的影响分析 13