关键词 热钱 规模 影响 股票市场 措施
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title Research on The Impact of Inflow Hot Money to China's Economy
Since China's exchange rate reform in 2005, U.S. interest rates remained low because of unilateral appreciation of RMB against the U.S. dollar as well as the U.S.financial crisis . In this context, a lot of hot money inflows into China,which bring a tremendous impact on China's economic development . In this article ,we study about the hot money inflows into China.We'll analyze the basic characteristics of hot money, and its different ways into China.At the same time ,we will estimate the scale of hot money inflows into China. The article focuses on theory to analyze the impact of hot money to China's economic development, and take the stock market as an example to make further instructions through the method of empirical test .In the end,it proposes some related measures against the effects.
Keywords: hot money scale impact stock market measures
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究意义 1
1.3 论文结构 2
2 热钱的概念、特征及影响 3
2.1 热钱的概念 3
2.2 热钱的基本特征 3
2.3 热钱流动的新特征 4
3 热钱流入中国的途径分析 5
3.1 贸易途径 5
3.2 资本市场途径 6
3.3 个人途径 7
3.4 其他途径 7
4 热钱流入中国的规模 8
4.1 热钱规模估测方法 8
4.2 热钱规模的估测 9
5 热钱流入对中国经济影响的定性分析 10
5.1 热钱流入对中国外汇储备的影响 11
5.2 热钱流入对房地产市场的影响 11
5.3 热钱流入对货币政策的影响 12
5.4 热钱流入对中国股票市场的影响 12
6 热钱流入对中国经济影响的定量分析--以股市为例 13
6.1 数据来源及统计描述 14
6.2 实证检验及分析 14
7 相关建议及对策 16
7.1 加强对热钱的监管 16
7.2 加强人民币汇率的调控和机制建设 16
7.3 收窄热钱逃出渠道 17
7.4 实行灵活的货币政策 17
结束语 19
致 谢 20
参考文献 21
表4-1 2002-2011年中国热钱流入净额估算(单位:亿美元) 9