毕业论文关键字 中美贸易 汇率波动 人民币
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title The empirical research of exchange rate and US-China trade
Abstract According to the data, even effected by falling commodity prices and weak global manufacturing growth, and the global trade in a difficult recovery process, China's foreign trade remained in surplus position。 Foreign trade economic and trade relations with America are controversial。 Since 1993, China has been on the US trade deficit。 the absolute and relative deficit has continued to expand over time。 In this case, the United States has repeatedly attributed the US trade deficit to the significantly undervalued RMB, and request to revalue its currency。 However, since 2005, the exchange rate reform to adopt a flexible exchange rate regime, the RMB has appreciated against the dollar by 25%, but the situation of trade imbalance has not improved。 Therefore, this article concentrates on the RMB exchange rate movements against the US-China trade relations on the basis of relevant literature review, combined with international trade theory, selecting data from 2010 to 2015 monthly。 By the establishment of incompletely replaced model, unit root test, cointergration, causality test, concluding that the real exchange rate of RMB and Sino-US trade balance have long-run equilibrium relationship but there is no causal conclusions。 Finally, we discuss the factors affecting bilateral trade and inspiration derived from it。
Keywords US-China trade exchange rate RMB
1 导言 1
1。1 研究背景与研究意义 1
1。2文献综述 2
1。3研究思路与研究方法 4
2汇率与贸易收支相关理论 5
2。1购买力平价理论 5
2。2贸易收支的弹性分析理论 5
3 人民币汇率与中美贸易收支的基本情况 8
3。1人民币汇率的变动路径 8
3。2中美贸易收支的发展 9
3。3人民币汇率与中美贸易失衡的比较分析 11
4人民币汇率与中美贸易关系的实证分析 14
4。1理论模型设定 14
4。2数据选择 14