摘要在视频流中实现运动目标的检测与跟踪是许多视觉应用程序的核心部分。而OpenCV为程序人员提供了多种数学函数与图像处理的高层方法来满足每一个需要,免去了底层基本代码的桎梏,提高了社会生产效率。通常,对于静态的视频监控,常用的方法是进行背景差分方法,将目标从视频和背景中凸显出来。本文首先阐述了背景差分检测对象的通用过程,所有典型的背景建模算法及其优点,接着叙述了混合高斯背景模型。 本文采用了以混合高斯为背景模型的背景差分方法进行目标检测,采用 CamShift 算法用于目标跟踪,实验结果表明对于简单的类似静态的背景,程序识别率相当高,并且跟踪也很少出现脱离,结果令人满意。 26012 毕业论文关键词 背景差分 目标检测 目标跟踪 CamShift 混合高斯
Title Moving Object Detection and Tracking Based on OpenCV
Detection and tracking of moving target in video stream is the core of many visual
applications. The OpenCV provides a variety of mathematical functions and image processing
methods to meet each need, replacing the shackles of the underlying basic codes, improving the
social production efficiency. In general, the method of background subtraction is usually used
for the static video surveillance, and the target is highlighted from the video and background. In
this paper, the general process of the background difference detection object, all the typical
background modeling algorithms and their advantages are described, then the background model
of the GMM is described
The Gaussian mixture background model of the background difference method for target
detection, using CAMSHIFT algorithm is applied to the tracking of targets. The experimental
results show that for similar to the simple static background, the recognition rate by this program
is quite high, and tracking are rarely seen out with satisfactory results.
Keywords background subtraction,target tracking and detection,CamShift,GMM
1绪论 1
1.1 引言 . 1
1.2 国内外研究与应用现状 . 1
1.3 OpenCV简介 2
1.4 开发环境搭建 . 2
1.5 本章小结 . 3
2图像预处理 4
2.1 图像噪声的概念与分类 . 4
(1)按产生的原因分类 . 4
(2)按噪声频谱分类 . 5
(3)按信号关系分类 . 5
(4)按概率密度函数分类 . 5
2.2 直方图均衡 6
2.3本文中所采取的滤波 . 8
2.4 数学形态学 9
2.4.1膨胀与腐蚀 10
2.4.2 开运算与闭运算 . 12
2.5 本章小结 12
3运动目标检测 13
3.1 运动目标检测的基本方法 13
3.1.1 帧间差分法 . 13
3.1.2 光流法 . 13
3.1.3背景差分法 15
3.2 本文的具体实现 18
4运动目标跟踪 20
4.1 CamShift算法 . 20
4.2 程序的运行及演示 23
4.3 本章小结 24
结 论 . 25
致 谢 . 26
参考文献 . 27
1 绪论
1.1 引言