The paper completes the work below aiming at the real need of the yearly meeting website:
1 Establish the model to analyze the need of the user of the website
by using uml,and use use case picture to analyze different characters and use cases,so that we can use it to offer guidance to our next work.
2 Establish a general functional framework, and design major functional modules of the yearly academic meeting website,including the user management and contribution management functional modules at great length.
3 Establish backstage database by using MySQL, and access the backstage database via Java+DAO technology, providing convenient service
between website and database.
4 Establish a yearly academic meeting website system based on Java/JSP technology. A yearly academic meeting website of an academic
organization is used to be an example. The paper uses the software and technology mentioned to design and develop the website, and test it
to insure it to be a powerful and user-friendly website with great
integration, extensibility and portability.
Key words : Java/JSP; Yearly academic meeting website; MySQL database
目 录
毕业设计说明书(论文)中文摘要 2
Abstract 3
1 绪论 7
1.1 研究背景 7
1.2 文献综述与分析 8
1.2.1 网站体系架构 8
1.2.2 网络开发设计语言技术方面 9
1.2.3 网站设计模式 11
1.2.4 学术会议网站设计 12
1.3 主要研究目标及内容 15
1.3.1研究目标 15
1.3.2研究内容: 15
1.4章节结构 19
2 需求分析 21
2.1会议特点 21
2.2 系统建模 21
2.3关键开发技术 24
2.3.1 JSP技术 24
2.3.2 JSP访问数据库 25
2.4 本章小结 27
3学术网站的开发平台搭建 28
3.1网站总体架构组件 28
3.2 搭建方法及步骤 29
3.2.1 JDK的安装和配置 29
3.2.2 Tomcat的安装和配置 33
3.2.3 Eclipse的安装和配置 36
3.2.4 Eclipse中tomcat插件的配置 38
3.3 关于MySQL数据库 41
3.3.1 MySQL数据库 41
3.3.2 MySQL数据库的下载和配置 41
3.4本章小结 43
4 学术网站系统功能及数据库设计 44
4.1系统整体功能设计 44
4.2 系统后台数据库设计 45
4.2.1 会员管理模块数据库 46
4.2.2 征文评审模块数据库 47
4.2.3 与会人员模块数据库 48
4.3 系统整体框架页面设计 50
4.4 本章小结 51
5学术会议网站详细设计 52
5.1 会员管理系统模块实现 52
5.2 投稿管理系统模块实现 56
5.3与会人员注册与缴费功能模块实现 61
5.4 本章小结 64
6 系统集成测试 65
6.1功能测试 65
6.2网页测试 66
6.3本章小结 66
7总结与展望 67
7.1总结 67