摘要随着信息时代的来临,云计算和物联网技术不断的完善和普及,为构建智 慧校园提供了不可或缺的技术支持同时也为新生的信息时代的到来打下坚实的 基础。同时由于以前的校园运行中有各种困境,导致一定要建立智慧校园,这 是有必要的。目前,国内外许多的高校甚至中小学都对智慧校园的构建感兴趣。 云计算技术为智慧校园提供一个校园云,将校园数据信息集中存储、处理、传 输,将智慧校园的智慧性充分体现,做到高集成、高智能、高效率。物联网技 术为智慧校园提供一个高智能的综合信息服务平台,,通过对校园所有物品的 全面感知实现智慧校园的可视化管理,使师生全面感知校园资源,校与校之间 实现资源共享,提高资源利用率。72269

本文通过对云计算、物联网技术的认知和对智慧校园的理解,提出了一个全 新的智慧校园理念。通过校园云平台和物联网的感知构建智慧校园,从而为广大 师生提供一个更加全面的智能感知和统一的智慧服务平台。本文首先通过对智慧 校园的发展趋势和云计算的大背景下研究分析了智慧校园的构建的现实意义,然 后系统的分析解读云计算和物联网技术对智慧校园的技术支持,从而构建一个全 新的智慧校园;其次对智慧校园的一些实际应用进行整合、归纳,把智慧校园的 特色进行阐述并将其安全问题阐明;最后是对本文的内容系统的总结并对其未来 的发展提出一些看法。

该论文有图 17 幅,表 2 个,参考文献 25 篇。


Design and Application of Smart Campus Based On Cloud Computing and Internet of Things

Abstract With the advent of the information era, cloud computing and networking technology continuous improvement and popularization of smart campus building provides an indispensable technical support as well as to lay a solid foundation for the arrival of the new era of information。 At the same time, because there are all kinds of difficulties in the operation of the previous campus, it leads to wisdom campus must be established。 At present, domestic and foreign many colleges and universities even primary and secondary schools are on the wisdom of the campus build interest。 Cloud computing technology provide a cloud of campus for the wisdom of the campus, campus data centralized information storage, processing, transmission, fully embodies the wisdom of the wisdom of the campus, to achieve high integration,  high intelligence And high efficiency。 Networking technology for the wisdom of the campus provide a highly intelligent integrated information service platform, the overall perception of all the items in the campus realized visualization of the wisdom of the campus management, make teachers and students comprehensive perception of campus resources, between the school and the school realize the sharing of resources, improve resource utilization。

Based on cloud computing, cognitive networking technology and understanding of the wisdom of the campus is proposed a new wisdom campus concept。 Through the perception of campus cloud platform and networking construction of the wisdom of the campus, so as to provide teachers and students a more comprehensive intelligent perception and integration of intelligence service platform。 Firstly, through the analysis of the wisdom of the campus construction of practical significance under the background of the development trend of Campus Intelligence and cloud computing research, then system analysis interpretation of cloud computing and networking technology of smart campus technical  support, in  order to  build  a new  campus     of

wisdom; secondly some of the practical application of the wisdom of the campus integration, The characteristics of the smart campus are described and its security issues are clarified。 Finally, this paper summarizes the content of the system and puts forward some views on its future development。

















