Abstract With the development of the network, more and more things become easier, such as voting online。 The system of voting online is a website for voting that geared to Internet, make more and more people can browse comprehensive information on voting at home and make more and more people can cast a valuable vote at home。 This system is a popular,fair,impartial platform to vote that make statistical result to the public at any time。
This system is a website that provide comprehensive information on voting for people to look。 The user can vote at home, or place where have a network。This system can refresh the voting results automatically for people。 This style of voting replace with poor efficiency and complicated traditional voting。 This system not only reduce cost and optimize resources,but also improve efficiency for voting。 And most importantly, the system of voting online can avoid unfair results that may occur for traditional voting。
The entire system of voting online is composed of the foreground exhibit and background management。 The system use Tomcat for server, use Oracle for database,use Myeclipse for development tools, built on the B / S mode, using JSP technology and used Springmvc + Hibernate framework to develop。
Keywords: JSP;Java;B/S mode;Report
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1。1 系统开发的背景 1
1。2 系统设计的目标 1
1。3 课题研究的内容和意义 2
1。4 本章小结 3
第二章 系统需求及可行性设计 4
2。1 系统的设计目标 4
2。2 投票管理的需求分析 4
2。3 系统可行性分析 4
2。3。1 技术可行性分析 5
2。3。2 可行性分析总结 8
2。4 本章小结 8
第三章 系统主要架构及开发模式 9
3。1 基于B/S的体系结构 9
3。2 本系统的B/S实现 9
3。3 本章小结 9
第四章 系统详细设计 10
4。1 系统设计思路 10
4。2 系统功能模块