Abstract:This paper introduces in detail I finish MPC30 multi-purpose ship hull 4404 section production design process. The production design content mainly includes the following several aspects: with the introduction of the development and status quo of multi-purpose ship; Introduction to the history and status quo of the production design. The introduction of panel production design main point; With the introduction of the shipyard MPC30, 4404 section and design; Determine the 4404 fabricating scheme and reason; Illustrates the makeup diagram and the drawing of block diagram; 4404 section structure parts coding parts list and the drawing of the compilation of; Hanging a horse quantity and determine the installation position of lift and misty drawing; Piecewise painting scheme selection and the preparation of coating essentials.
Keywords: multi-purpose ship; The ball stem section; Hull production design; MPC30
第一章绪论 1
1.1研究背景和现状 1
1.1.1多用途船发展的背景 1
1.1.2多用途船的优势 1
1.1.3什么是生产设计 2
1.1.4国内生产设计现状 3
1.2研究的目的和意义 3
1.3研究的主要内容 4
1.3.1本次设计的内容与要求 4
1.3.2具体细节 5
第二章船体生产设计准备 6
2.1MPC30多用途船概况 6
2.2给定船厂生产能力 7
2.3船体施工基本要领 7
2.4放样下料要领 7
2.5拼板要领 8
2.6部件制造要领 8
2.7分段建造要领 8
2.8船台总装要领 9
第三章MPC30多用途船4404艏部分段船体生产设计 11
3.1 4404分段概述及特点说明 11
3.2 4404分段制造要领 12
3.2.1 4404分段建造方案 12
3.2.2 4404分段装配流程 13
3.2.3 4404分段精度要求 14
3.2.4 4404分段施工要领 14
3.2.5 4404分段焊接要求 15
3.3 4404分段生产设计