设计总说明: 从最早出现机器人开始,首先得到开发的是工业机器人,而正是因为工业机器人的出现才让世界各国的工业快速发展并带动经济的快速发展,它的时代一晃就过去了,随着人们生活水平的提高,服务型机器人也出现在了人们的视野中,而它的发展也代表着现在国家的发展水平。随着服务型机器人的崛起,各式各样的机器人也出现在了各行各业中,最有代表性的就是餐饮行业。餐饮服务性机器人它的进步体现在它的智能性,它的使用能够提高人们的生活质量,让人在享受用餐的同时能够让人的身心得到更大的放松,而从另一个角度来说的话,餐饮服务机器人解决了近几年让许多酒店,饭店老板头疼的一个问题,那就是餐饮店的服务人员的急缺情况,随着社会发展,越来越多的人都不太愿意去做这种低报酬的劳力活,正式餐饮服务机器人的出现解决了这个问题,因为餐饮服务机器人相比人来说,它能够24小时不停歇的工作,而且更有效率,情绪也不会有太多的变化,从而在一定程度上把人类从劳动中解放出来,而让人更多的去参与脑力脑动,推进社会的进步。而这次我的毕业设计选题主要是餐饮服务机器人的头部设计,而这次我主要的立意是想把头部的左右摇摆机构和上下俯仰运动机构做一个更大胆的重新设计,现在有许许多多的大学研究室和各大机器人制造厂都在做这个机器人的开发和研究,在头部这个部分现在大部分都用的都是连杆机构,而此次我想用齿轮传动装置让传动更加平稳和易于控制。基于着这个我便开始这个头部的本体机构设计,在头部的本体机构设计中,由于是在人群聚集的地方使用,所以要运动平稳,无危险性,所以采用了较为平稳的传动方式,对于头部的两个自由度的设计结构并进行虚拟装配,并且在控制方面要求与其肩部,腰部,足部运动进行配合运动,要求动作协调,连贯,才能为顾客提供更好的服务。47334
毕业论文关键词:  餐饮服务;  头部;   机器人;  本体设计;  虚拟装配
Design for head system of catering service robots
General explanation of design: The first robot in the world was an industrial robot, and its appearance lead to the rapid development of industry and economy of many countries. But now the age of industrial robot had gone, and with the improvement of peoples living standards, service robots has appeared in people's field of vision, and its development can represents the development level of country now. With the development of service robots, many kinds of service robots appeared in different industries, and the most representative one is the catering industry. One of the advantages of catering service robot is its intelligence, its application can improve the quality of life. On the other hand, the appearance of catering service robots solved a bothersome problem for many  restaurant managers, that is the shortage of waiter. As people's living standards have increased now, less and less people are willing to be a waiter bacause that this job is toilsome but low paid. Then catering service robots can solve this problem, because they can work for 24 hours without top. They are more efficient, and managers don't need to take care of their emotion. Obviously the catering service robots can liberate people from manual work and they can focus on brain work, which could promoting the social development. The topic of my project is the design for head system of catering service robot, and my purpose is to redesign its shake and nod system. Now many laborateries and companies are working on the research and development of catering service robot, but most of them use link machanism system in head of robot, but I decide to use gear transmission system, which could be more stable and easy controlled. Based on this logic I started my design, I use a more stable transmission mode as the robot need to be used in a crowded areas, which need a smooth motion and with no dangerous. I virtually assembled the shake and nod system, and I considered the control requirements of the conbined movement with its shoulder, waist and foots, so as to provide a better service for customers.
















