    毕业论文关键词:互联网  信息不对称 会计稳健性 经济效益
    The Impact of Accounting Robustness on the Economic Consequences of the Internet
    ——Take the information transmission, software and technical services industry as an example
    Abstract:With the advent of the Internet era and the continuous development of accounting information changes, the principle of accounting flexibility has also changed. Up to now, many scholars at home and abroad have examined the existence of the company's accounting conservatism. At the same time, there are many scholars on the accounting conservatism brought about the economic consequences of theoretical and empirical analysis, and has made some research results. On this basis, this paper chooses the financial annual report data and related financial indicators of the three-year A-share listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen, the three years of information transmission, software and technical service industry 2013-2015, and measures the accounting conservatism index based on KW model. Constructing the Multiple Regression Model to Analyze the Relationship between Accounting Robustness and Enterprise Economic Benefit in the Internet. The results show that, under the same conditions of other conditions, the Internet age, accounting conservatism still exists, and can effectively improve the economic efficiency of enterprises.
    Key words: Internet;Information asymmetry;Accounting conservatism;Economic benefits
     目  录
    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    Key words    1
    一、 引言    2
    二、 文献综述    2
    (一) 会计稳健性的存在性检验    2
    (二)互联网时代会计稳健性的应用研究现状    2
    1.会计稳健性对会计确认与计量的影响    3
    2.会计稳健性对代理问题的影响    3
    3.会计稳健性对企业经济后果的影响    3
    (三)综合述评    4
    三、研究设计    5
    (一)研究假设    5
    (二)样本选择和数据来源    5
    (三)变量的定义与度量    5
    1. 变量的定义    5
    2.变量的度量    5
    (四)会计稳健性与经济效益的模型构建    6
    四、实证分析    7
    (一)描述性统计    7
    (二)变量间相关性检验    7
     (三)多元回归分析    8
    (四)稳健性检验    9
    五、 结论与政策建议    9
    致谢    10
    参考文献    10
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