摘 要:在为企业服务的经济事项中,企业合并是很常见的,其重要性决定了会计合并的重要性。商誉作为一项资产在企业中占有重要地位,对企业的现实性收益和将来的发展都有重要影响。在全球化的经济浪潮推动下,合并商誉作为财务会计中一个最具争议性、持续至今尚未解决的问题受到来自理论与实务界的广泛关注。2006年,我国财政部发布了新企业会计准则,参照了许多国外企业的先进经验,针对合并商誉会计的相干标准作出了重大调整。规范化处置的合并商誉促进了我国企业商誉会计的发展,但其中合并商誉的相关规定,能不能促进经济发展,还需要进一步地探索。60807
Abstract: In economic matters for business services, enterprises merger is very common. Its importance determines the importance of merger accounting. Goodwill as an asset plays an important role in the enterprise, and has an important influence on the reality and the future development of enterprise income. In the wave of globalization to promote goodwill, one of the most controversial, continuous unsolved problems as the financial accounting has attracted wide attention from the theory and practice. In 2006, China's Ministry of Finance issued a new enterprise accounting standards, with reference to the advanced experience of many foreign companies. According to the relevant norms of goodwill accounting, it has made a major adjustment. Standardized treatment of goodwill has promoted the development of our country enterprise goodwill accounting. But is the goodwill of the relevant provisions conducive to economic development? This still need further exploration.
Keywords: consolidated goodwill, treatment differences, international comparison, inspiration
1 引言 3
1.1 研究背景及意义 3
1.2 文献研究综述 3
1.3 本文研究的思路与方法 4
2 合并商誉会计的理论分析 4
2.1 合并商誉会计的代表性观点 4
2.2 商誉的特征及分类 4
3 合并商誉会计处理差异的问题 5
3.1 中外合并商誉会计的初始确认与计量比较 5
3.2 中外合并商誉会计的后续计量比较 6
4 从中外合并商誉得到的启发 8
4.1 对于合并商誉会计的初始确认与计量的看法 8
4.2 对于合并商誉会计的后续处理的看法 9
结 论 11
参 考 文 献 12
致 谢 13
1 引言
1.1 研究背景及意义
1.1.1 研究背景