摘要: 酒糟是一种营养丰富,数量极大的副产品,但由于供应具有季节性、水分含量过高难以贮存等特点限制了酒糟的综合利用。本研究旨在将酒糟通过发酵TMR的形式饲料化,首先按不同比例将酒糟与精料配合调制成发酵TMR饲料,结果显示不同比例的酒糟对发酵TMR青贮90天后pH值(P<0.001)、乳酸(P<0.01)、乙酸(P<0.05)、丁酸(P<0.05)、乙醇(P<0.05)丙酸(P<0.001)、氨态氮(P<0.001)和水溶性碳水化合物含量(P<0.001)有显著影响,与无酒糟组相比,25%和35%酒糟组有较低的pH值、乙酸和氨态氮含量,而具有较高的水溶性碳水化合物含量。从最大化利用酒糟的角度,选择35%酒糟组进行下一步研究,进一步通过添加山梨酸钾、苯甲酸钠、丙酸钙及双乙酸钠调控TMR的发酵品质和有氧稳定性,各TMR发酵90天后暴露于空气中评价其有氧稳定性,在暴露过程中,各组pH值逐渐上升,山梨酸钾和苯甲酸钠组上升缓慢,有氧暴露前6天分别升至4.80和5.60,而其他各组均升至6.0以上,之后直至结束山梨酸钾组略有上升至5.15,而苯甲酸钠组显著上升至6.09。各添加剂处理组氨态氮含量均低于无添加组,其中双乙酸钠和丙酸钙组氨态氮含量最低。随着有氧暴露时间的增加,各组的乳酸含量逐渐下降,但各添加剂组乳酸含量下降速度明显低于无添加组。各组乙酸和丙酸含量逐渐下降,整个暴露过程中各组仅检测到微量丁酸含量,在本试验中各组乙醇含量逐渐上升,而整个暴露过程中各添加剂处理组乙醇含量均始终低于无添加组,表明各添加剂的抗真菌特性。综上所述,将酒糟以35%的比例配制成TMR可获得发酵品质较好的TMR日粮,并添加0.1%的山梨酸钾可提高其有氧稳定性,有氧暴露9天pH值仍能保持5.15。31344
The formulation and modulation of fermentation of total mixed ration prepared with distillers’ grains
Abstract : Distillers’ grains is a kind of nutritious by-products with a great quantity.However, the seasonal supply , high moisture content which makes distillers’ grains difficult to store and other characteristics limit the comprehensive utilization of distillers’ grains.The objective of this study was to process distillers’ grains to forage by the form of fermentation total mixed ration (FTMR) .First we processed distillers’ grains with the concentrate to FTMR in different proportions, The results showed that different proportions distillers’ grains after silage 90 days had a significant influence on pH value(P<0.001),lactic acid(P<0.001),acetic acid(P<0.001),propionic acid(P<0.001), butyric acid(P<0.001), ethanol ammonia nitrogen/total nitrogen(P<0.001), water soluble carbohydrates(P<0.001).Compared to the control group,25% distillers’ grains and 35% distillers’ grains had lower pH ,content of acetic acid and ethanol ammonia nitrogen/total nitrogen,while the content of water soluble carbohydrates was higher.From the perspective of maximizing the use of distillers’ grains.35% distiller's grains was selected to do the next research,controlling the fermentation quality and aerobic stability of TMR by adding potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate, calcium propionate and sodium diacetate.Each of the TMR was exposed to air for 90 days and evaluated for its aerobic stability.As the silage carried out,the pH value of each group increased gradually, the group adding potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate slowly,8 days before aerobic exposure,up to 4.80 and 5.60 respectively,while the other groups rose to more than 6.0,then,Until the end of silage,the sorbic acid group rose slightly to 5.15, while the sodium benzoate group significantly increased to 6.09.The content of ethanol ammonia nitrogen/total nitrogen of every treatment with additives was lower than control group,and the calcium propionate group and sodium diacetate group were lower.With the prolongation of aerobic exposure time, the lactic acid content of each group decreased gradually, but the decrease rate of lactic acid content in each treatment group was significantly lower than control group.The content of acetic acid and propionic acid in each group decreased gradually,only minor amounts of butyric acid were detected in each group during exposure.In this experiment, the ethanol content of each group gradually increased,but the ethanol content of each additive treatment group was always lower than that of control group,which indicate the antifungal properties of each additive.To sum up,the FTMR with 35% distillers’ grains has good fermentation quality,and the Aerobic stability was increased by adding 0.1% potassium sorbate, pH value could still remained at 5.15 after exposure for 9 days.
















