摘  要:“探究学习”的教学策略是一种始终体现以“学生为主体”的指导思想,积极引导学生主动求知、主动学习、学会探索,学会创造为目的,以培养全体学生多方面素质为目标的一种全新的教学方式。当今社会的教学模式必须有所改变,“探究学习”现在已经成为教育界研究的热门话题,更是基础教育教学研究的必然课题。本研究主要运用教育理论对中学生物学中“探究学习”教学策略的影响因素进行调查及分析研究,调查结果显示:当今教师的教育观念及教学方式、学生的学习习惯、师生关系等对“探究学习”教学模式的开展有重要影响。同时,对探究学习、教学策略的内涵进行阐述,在此基础上提出初中“探究学习”的教学策略。希望能给中学生物的教学工作提供一些参考。32129
毕业论文关键词: 中学生;生物学;探究学习;学习方式;影响因素;教学策略
"Inquiry learning" teaching strategy in the application
of the high school biology research
Abstract:  "inquiry learning" teaching strategy is a kind of always embodied in the guiding ideology of "students as the main body", guide students to active learning, active learning, learning to explore, learn to create, for the purpose of aimed at developing the qualities of all the students a new way of teaching. Teaching mode must be changed in today's society, "inquiry learning" has become a hot topic in the education research, but also inevitable subject of basic education teaching research. This research mainly by using the theory of education in middle school biology "inquiry learning" teaching strategy the influence factors of investigation and analysis, the results show that today's teacher education concepts and teaching methods, students' learning habits, relationship between teachers and students "inquiry learning" teaching mode, such as have important influence. At the same time, the paper expounds the connotation of inquiry learning, teaching strategy, on the basis of the junior middle school "inquiry learning" teaching strategies are put forward. To the teacher's teaching idea, students' learning style gain certain enlightenment, so as to provide reference for high school biology teaching.
Key words: Middle school students; Biology; Inquiry learning; Study way; Influencing factors; Teaching strategy
目    录
摘  要    1
引言    2
1 问题的提出    2
2 基本概念    3
2.1 探究学习    3
2.1.1 探究学习的内涵    3
2.1.2探究学习的基本形式    3
(1) 发现式探究    4
(2) 推理性探究    4
(3) 实验式探究    4
2.1.3探究学习的特征    4
2.1.4探究学习的核心要素    6
2.2 教学策略    6
3探究学习影响因素的调查与分析    7
3.1调查的对象和研究方法    7
3.1.1调查对象    7
3.1.2 研究方法    7
3.2对学生问卷调查的结果与分析    8
3.2.1 学生问卷调查结果    8
3.2.2 对学生调查结果的反思    9
3.3对教师问卷调查的结果与分析    10
3.3.1教师问卷调查结果    10
3.3.2对教师调查结果的反思    11
4“探究学习”教学策略在中学生物学教学中的应用    12
参考文献    12
致 谢    14
附录    15
















