Abstract:Formaldehyde (HCHO) is a kind of liquid which is colorless, with pungent odor and easy to dissolve at room temperature。 It’s chemical and biological properties are lively。 As a kind of indoor air pollution, it is recognized as the potential carcinogens all over the world。 Therefore, great attention is paid to this problem At home and abroad。 We pick soil samples which is polluted by formaldehyde from forest and sift 2~3 strains which are able to be alive in High formaldehyde concentration 。Then repeat sift strains by shaking the whole culture and get one strain which has High degradation rate 。We find it is a Micrococcus and named it HD-6。Further study of formaldehyde degradation of the bacteria: in medium containing formaldehyde liquid and biodegradation with one day, the formaldehyde degradation rate reach 64。0%; in the simulation of formaldehyde pollution in the air, compared with the control group, the bacteria assist Var marginatum degradation in air rate increases significantly。
Key word: Micrococcus, Formaldehyde, Sifting, Degradation,Var marginatum
目 录
1 前言 1
1。1 室内甲醛污染的来源 1
1。2 室内甲醛污染对人体的影响 1
1。3 降解空气中甲醛浓度的方式及原理 1
1。4 研究目的和意义 1
1。5 实验思路设计 3
2 材料与方法 4
2。1 材料 4
2。1。1 原料 4
2。1。2 试剂 4
2。1。3 培养基及试剂 5
2。1。4 仪器 6
2。2 方法 4
2。2。1 甲醛降解菌的初筛 6
2。2。2 甲醛降解菌的复筛 7
2。2。3 菌落形态观察及生理生化特性研究 7
2。2。4 影响甲醛降解菌降解能力因素的研究 8
2。2。5 甲醛溶液含量的测定 9
3 结果与分析 11
3。1 甲醛降解菌株的筛选及鉴定 11
3。1。1 菌株分离及筛选 11
3。1。2 鉴定——形态学鉴定法和生理生化实验 11
3。2 甲醛降解菌能力测定