    Research on the effects of ultrasound ,ultrahigh pressure and high pressure homogenization on heat-induced gel properties and molecular characteristics of myofibrillar proteins
    Abstract:In this study, we choose chicken breast meat as raw material and use three non-thermal processing techniques, ultrasound, ultrahigh pressure and high pressure homogenization to treat chicken breast myofibrillar proteins (MPs). We compare their effects on heat-induced gel properties and molecular characteristics of MPs by measuring gel water holding capacity(WHC), rheological properties and active thiol content, etc. in order to provide theoretical basis for the application of these three techniques in the processing of gel-like meat products. The results show that these three non-thermal processing techniques affect MPs in a unique way. After the ultrasound treatment, the internal hydrophobic residues of the protein were exposed to the surface, but the thermal gels formed had lower WHC and gel strength; The ultrahigh pressure technique significantly improved the protein solubility, active thiol content, etc (P<0.05); The MPs of the high-pressure homogenized treatment were disruptive, destroyed the gel formation ability of MPs. The results above show that ultrahigh pressure technique is relatively mild and can improve the gel properties of MPs, however, high pressure homogenization is not suitable for the production and application of gel meat products.
    Key words: Ultra-high pressure; Ultrasound; High Pressure Homogenization; Myofibrillar Proteins; Gel
    目  录
    Key words2
    1 材料与方法3
    1.1   材料 3
    1.2   仪器与设备3
    1.3   实验方法4
    1.3.1  肌原纤文蛋白的制备4
    1.3.2  超声处理4
    1.3.3  超高压处理4
    1.3.4  高压均质处理4
    1.3.5  测定前处理4
    1.3.6  凝胶保水性测定5
    1.3.7  凝胶强度测定5
    1.3.8  LF-NMR自旋-自旋弛豫时间(T2)测定5
    1.3.9  流变特性测定5
    1.3.10 蛋白溶解度测定5
    1.3.11 活性巯基含量测定6
    1.3.12 表面疏水性测定6
    1.4    数据处理6
    2   结果分析6
    2.1    宏观特性参数分析6
    2.1.1  凝胶保水性分析6
    2.1.2  凝胶强度分析7
    2.1.3  T2驰豫特性分析8
    2.1.4  流变特性分析9
    2.2    分子特性参数分析10
    2.2.1  蛋白溶解度分析10
    2.2.2  活性巯基含量和表面疏水性分析11
    3  经处理后MPs热凝胶机制的综合性讨论13
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