
    摘要:目的:对不同褐蘑菇品种菌株的菌丝生长特性进行比较,筛选和选育适合淮安栽培的褐蘑菇品种,确定适宜的栽培管理设计。方法:研究3种褐蘑菇菌株,江苏省农科院苏棕5号(JH)、中国农业大学褐蘑菇品种(HB)、河南洛阳奥吉特褐蘑菇品种(JT)菌丝长度、菌丝生长速率、菌丝性状进行对比,以及JH与BH子实体的灰分与风物质的对比。结果:在24 d时,HB品种与其他具有显著性差异,28 d 时JH与HB、JT相比具有显著性差异;在2 4 d—28 d时,菌丝生长速率HB与JH、JT具有显著性差异;相同条件下,28 d后,菌丝干重三者有显著性差异;灰分含量JH为9.193%,HB15.8.734%,一般双孢菇灰分为12.690%。挥发性物质,JH,BH物质相似,与双孢菇差异较大。结论:三种褐蘑菇品种,整体上来看,并不具有明显的优势差别;但是,从发酵培养菌丝,开发菌丝类产品JH有一定的潜力,JH、BH风相似,与双孢菇风物质差异较大。54927


    Abstract: Objective:to understand different varieties of portobello mushroom strains of mycelial growth characteristics, for screening and breeding is suitable for cultivation in huaian kalgan mushroom varieties and lay the foundation to determine the suitable cultivation management design. Method: the three kinds of portobello mushroom strains, jiangsu academy of agricultural sciences' Sue brown 5 portobello mushroom varieties (JH), China agricultural university (HB), henan luoyang augie kalgan mushroom varieties (JT) hyphae length and hypha growth rate, properties, and JH and BH fruiting body of ash content and flavor. Results: in 24 d, with other varieties of HB have significant difference, compared to 28 d JH and HB, JT has significant difference; In 24 d - 28 d, mycelial growth rate of HB and JH, JT has significant difference; The same conditions, after 28 d, mycelial dry weight of the three has significant difference; Ash content is 9.193%, JH HB15.8.734 %, generally the agaricus bisporus ash content is 12.690%. Volatile substances, JH, BH similar material, and the agaricus bisporus differences. Conclusion : three kalgan mushroom varieties, the whole, do not have a clear advantage difference; But from fermentation cultivation hypha, JH development hyphae products have a certain potential, JH, BH flavor, and the agaricus bisporus flavor material differences. 

    Keywords: kalgan mushroom, hyphae, morphological characteristics, ash content, the flavor substances 

    目   录 

    1 引言 6

    2 材料与方法 8

    2.1 菌种 8

    2.2 子实体 8

    2.3 药品 8

    2.4 使用仪器 8

    2.5 实验室培养基 8

    2.6 方法 8

    3 结果 10

    3.1 不同时期的三种品种的褐蘑菇菌丝长度 10

    3.2 三种品种的褐蘑菇菌丝生长速率 10

    3.3 三种品种的褐蘑菇菌丝干重 11

    3.4 不同褐蘑菇菌种菌丝生长情况 12

    3.5 两种褐蘑菇子实体的灰分含量 12

    3.6 挥发性物质的峰图直观简单比较 13

    结论 16

    参考文献 18

    致  谢: 19

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