摘 要 本文聚焦国家体育教师资格考试,主要采用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法和数理统计法等研究方法,通过对杭州师范大学体育与健康学院2013级专业学生的考试准备情况以及相关教师和学院对学生的考试帮助进行研究,得出以下结论:90228
Abstract:The paper studies teacher certificate exam of PE, mainly uses the methods of documentary analysis, interview, questionnaire and mathematical statistics。 According to the analysis of Hangzhou Normal University 2013 grade students’ exam preparation and their teachers and college’s assistance, the paper draws the following conclusion:
(1)For the teacher certificate exam of PE, the PE major students attach little importance to it。 Most of them prepare for it when the exam is near at hand, and they have no detailed study plans, thus they can not pass the exam at once;
(2)In the usual class teaching, teachers pay little attention to students’ mastery and application of sports skills。 They do not emphasize the key points or the teaching skills, which is not adapted to the standard of teacher certificate exam;
(3)Our college will organize some related lectures, face-to-face training etc, to enhance students' professional knowledge and ability, and to improve the pass rate。
Keywords: National Civil Service Exam; Teacher Certification; current situation; countermeasures
目 录
1前言 6
2研究方法 6
2。1研究的对象 6
2。2研究的方法 6
2。2。1文献资料法 6
2。2。2问卷调查法 6
2。2。3访谈法 6
2。2。4数理统计法 7
3结果与分析 7
3。1学生报考资格考试源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766 的情况 7
3。1。1学生参加体育教师资格考试的时间 7
3。1。2参加体育教师资格考试学生的通过率情况 8
3。1。3教师资格考试学科难易情况 8
3。2学生报考教师资格考试的态度情况 9
3。2。1学生对体育教师职业的认可度 9
3。2。2学生对教师资格考试的态度 10
3。2。3学生对教师资格考试的准备 10
3。3 任课教师对教师资格考试的认知情况 11
3。3。1教师对国考政策的认知 11