研究结果显示:1。淮安市洪泽外国语实验学校小学生的身体形态发育指标逐年呈现上升的趋势,身高和体重的增长幅度不断提高,男女生生之间存在显著差异,但肥胖率较高,女生的肥胖问题尤为突出 ,女生肥胖率的增长幅度大于男生。2。在身体机能方面肺活量和握力均逐年在提高,男女生之间存在显著差异,并且肺活量和握力均高于淮安市平均水平;3。各项身体素质方面男女生均存在显著差异,各年龄段50米跑和50*8成绩不断提高,但各年龄段平均所用时间均高于淮安市平均成绩;各阶段柔韧素质、爆发力、力量素质平均成绩均高于淮安市平均成绩,但学生各项素质成绩均在10—11岁年龄段增长缓慢。
Abstract: Youth for the future health of the inpidual the most important, most adults living habits and behaviors are formed in the growing up slowly。 Many adult diseases are produced after its adolescence hidden outbreaks of disease or illness。 The primary school students physical health directly affect the health status of their young adulthood, even can affect the health of his life。 So constitution was studied for the primary school students and its important significance。 This article USES the literature material law, questionnaire survey method, mathematical statistics, etc。
Results show: 1。 The foreign language experimental school pupils of huaian pision body morphological index showed a trend of rising year by year, rising to the height and weight increase, significant differences between men and women, but higher rates of obesity, especially girls' obesity, in the growth of obesity among girls than boys。 2。 The vital capacity in terms of body function and grip strength are in increasing year by year, significant differences between boys and girls, and lung capacity and grip strength are higher than on average; The physical quality aspect 3。 Significant differences of them, men and women of all ages 50 meters and 50 * 8 grade rise ceaselessly, but all ages are higher than an average time on average; Flexible quality, explosive force, strength, quality at all stages of the average scores were higher than on average, but students' various quality graded at 10-11 years of age growth is slow。
Keywords: Huaian foreign language experimental school pision 7-11 years old students, physique, health, quality
目 录
1 前 言7
1。1 选题依据7
1。2 研究目的和意义7
2 研究基础7
4。1。3 BMI11
4。1。4 肥胖率 12
4。2 身体机能13
4。2。1 肺活量14
4。2。2 握力15
4。3 身体素质16
4。3。1 50米16
4。3。2 50*8往返跑18
4。3。3 立定跳远19
4。3。4 坐位体前屈21
4。3。5 斜身引体男生、仰卧起坐女生22