摘 要所謂官有農田的經營即土地由政府直接管理,或役使人耕種、或租借與人耕種。本文主要从职官设置、劳动者类型、劳动者的待遇三方面对秦官有农田的经营情况作了初步的研究。第一,国家设有公田吏,对公田进行管理,此外,国家还在地方设立田官,它们可能是直属于大司农的。第二,目前所见,在公田上从事劳动的主要有刑徒、卒及居赀者三类人。第三,刑徒的衣食是由国家提供的,卒的衣服需自备,粮食则由国家提供,居赀者也需自备衣服,他们可以选择接受国家提供的粮食。文中还对睡虎地秦简所见的“部佐”、里耶秦简所见的“徒”、“粟米”等语词的涵义作了考辨。89546
The government’s farmland is that directly managed by the government, or enslaving people to farm, or leasing people to farm。 This article mainly study form three aspects on the government’s farmland in the Din dynasty : the official set, the type of worker, the treatment of workers。First, the state has a public servant to manage the public field。 In addition, the state set up officers to manage the government’s farmland in local area, the may be directly under the Big SiNong。 Secondly, as we can see, there are criminals, soldiers and debtors mainly engaged in labor in the public field。Thirdly, the criminals’ food and clothing are provided by the state。 The soldiers should bring their own food, but the food is provided by the state。 The debtors also need to bring their own clothes, they can choose to accept the country's food。 The article also investigate some words such as “Bu Zuo”, “Tu”, “Su Mi”。源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766
毕业论文关键词:秦; 里耶秦簡; 官有農田
Keyword: Qin Dynasty; bamboo slips used in the Qin Dynasty :discovered in LiYe; government’s farmland
关于秦代官有农田经营史料极少,仅秦印和出土文献中零星碎片。1997年,裘锡圭先生发表《从出土文字资料看秦和西汉时代官有农田的经营》一文,利用出土的印章、简牍等文字资料,对秦和西汉的官有农田的经营情况作了全面的研究。此文正文近3万字,然而关于秦代的部分仅一千余字,这是因为关于秦的官有农田的出土资料也不丰富。2002年,在湘西里耶古城出土了3万6千余枚左右的秦简,竹简纪年从秦王政二十五年至秦二世元年。此地是秦洞庭郡迁陵县官署所在,这批秦简大多是迁陵县廷与上级洞庭郡府和下属司空、田官诸署及都乡、启陵、贰春三乡的往来文书及各种簿册,内容涉及郡县的官署设置、赋税徭役、诉讼等。其中有一些简文与官有农田有关,不过目前还没有相关的研究。本文主要利用这部分资料,结合睡虎地秦简及传世文献的记载,对秦官有农田的经营情况做一个初步的探讨。来自优Y尔L论W文Q网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ7520~18766
从文献记载来看,汉代的国家掌握着一定数量的公田。《史记·外戚列传》云:“武帝奉酒前为寿,奉钱千万,奴婢三百人,公田百顷,甲第,以赐姊。”武帝把百顷公田赐给了他的姐姐。《汉书·宣帝纪》 :“(地节三年)流民还归者,假公田,贷种、食,且勿算事。”宣帝下令将公田借给回归本地的流民耕种。所谓的公田,应指公家所耕之田,它是属于国家直接经营的,所以才可以被君主用来赐予、借给臣民。