Abstract In recent years, with the rapid development of information technology and progress,Information in our daily lives has played an increasingly important role。 We become increasingly dependent on the products of rapid development of information technology which give us a lot of information。 Whether at home or abroad, researches on information are going deeper even to the aspects of quantum information。 However, the more we study, the more complicated our targets will be。 There are still many problems in many areas of quantum information。 In this paper, we mainly focus on the Wigner- Yanase skew information。 Calculation of Wigner-Yanase skew information of the laser-driven tunneling-coupled double quantum dot system has been performed and we give the evolution of the skewed information。 We obtain the skewed information of the tunneling quantum dot, analyze and discuss the results at the end of the paper。
Keywords: Wigner-Yanase skew information;double quantum dot;tunneling coupling
第一章 绪论 1
1。1引言 1
1。2 Wigner-Yanase偏态信息的基本情况概述 1
1。3。1国内外研究现状 2
1。3。2 存在的问题 3
第二章 隧穿量子点分子模型及其处理方法 4
2。1隧穿耦合量子场和经典场的耦合系统 4
2。2量子隧穿耦合系统的哈密顿方程 4
第三章Wigner-Yanase偏态信息 8
3。1 Wigner-Yanase偏态信息表达式 8
3。2 隧穿耦合双量子点系统的Wigner-Yanase偏态信息 9
结论 14
致 谢 15
参考文献 17
第一章 绪论