Quantum entanglement is one of the strangest phenomena in quantum mechanics. With the development of quantum information science, quantum entanglement as an important means of the research of quantum information science plays a more and more important role. Quantum entanglement is also regarded as a new kind of physical resources. Research on quantum entanglement is of important significance. In this paper, we introduce the basic theory of quantum entanglement and its measures including “concurrence” and “negativity”. The quantum entanglement properties are considered in a spin-1/2 Heisenberg spin chain under some external magnetic fields. Analytical results of the eigenstates and eigenvalues are obtained in the two-sites case, then quantum entanglement of the ground state is discussed in detail. Numerical calculations are employed to show the entanglement changes as a function of the external field parameters.
毕业论文关键字:纯态; 混合态; 量子纠缠; 密度矩阵; 负值度; concurrence; 海森堡自旋链
Keyword: Pure state; mixed state; Quantum entanglement; Density matrix; Negativity; Concurrence; Heisenberg spin chain;
目 录
1 引言 4
2 纯态与混合态 4
2.1 纯态 4
2.2 混合态 5
3 密度算符与密度矩阵 5
4 纠缠态 7
4.1 纯态纠缠态 7
4.2 混合态纠缠态 8
5 量子纠缠的量度 8
5.1 “concurrence” 9
5.2 “Negativity”——负值度 10
6 系统哈密顿量及本征问题的求解 10
7 不同参数空间的基态情况 12
7.1 参数取值 13
7.2 参数取值 15
7.3 数值结果讨论 15
8 总结 15
1 引言