毕业论文关键词 “社会民生”类纪录片 底层叙事 话语呈现 《最后的棒棒》
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title The bottom film narrative and discourse presentment the study about Chinese documentaries columns of “social and demotic”
Abstract Chinese documentaries of “social and demotic”came into being almost with Programmation,and turned into the Channelization with time changing。Broadly,“The bottom film narrative"is the description about the bottom,and it is also the voice of themselves。Foucault's classical discourse theory system links the discourse with power。And we can unscramble the narrative works by the way of discourse。The documentaries of “social and demotic”focus the bottom。They are the model of "The bottom film narrative",and can be used to unscramble the essence themselves by means of discourse analysis。This article will give the example of《The last of the BangBang》,which be broadcast in the 《Documentary newsroom》,and will be entried from these two points。Finally the development difficulties and solution of documentaries of “social and demotic” can be found from the prosperous of extensive documentary program。
Keywords Chinese documentaries of “social and demotic” The bottom film narrative Discourse presentment The last of the BangBang
目 次
1 绪论 1
1。1 背景及意义1
1。2 文献综述1
1。3 创新点2
1。4 研究方法2
2 “社会民生”类纪录片栏目的发展概述 4
2。1 纪录片栏目发展过程回溯 4
2。2 频道化下的“社会民生”类纪录片栏目 5
3 “底层”与“底层叙事”——他者与被说? 8
3。1 “底层”概念辨析8
3。2 独立纪录片与电视纪录片栏目的对象选择异同9
3。3 “底层叙事”——他者与被说?10
4。 “社会民生”类纪录片栏目话语分析12
4。1 话语理论12
4。2 “社会民生”类纪录片栏目话语分析12
5 底层影像叙事与话语呈现:《最后的棒棒》节目分析14
5。1 何苦与《最后的棒棒》:谁的话语14
5。2 《纪录片编辑室》二次剪辑下的话语分析16
5。3 底层影像视角与美学风格16
6 “社会民生”类记录片的瓶颈与对策18
6。1 泛纪实节目繁荣的冲击18
6。2 “社会民生”类纪录片栏目发展对策试析19
小结 21
致谢 23