摘 要:21世纪我国已经步入了图像时代,人们又称其为读图时代。这个时代里人们已不仅仅满足于那些枯燥的文字了,读者更乐于去看图片而非文字。正如英国现代美术史学家E。H贡布里所说,“我们的时代是一个视觉时代,我们从早到晚都受到图片的侵袭。图像的唤起能力有时优于语言。”今天,新闻摄影已经出现了新闻跟着图片走,图文并重的良好发展势头。本文在分析新闻摄影的基础上,针对我国新闻摄影实践存在的问题进行分析,提出建议和解决对策。81383
Abstract: 21st century has entered the image age。 People also know it as the age of pictures。This age people has not satisfied those boring text,and readers are more willing to look at pictures rather than words。 As the British modern art historian EH Gong Buli said,"Our era is a visual age,we were attacked by pictures from morning till night。 Evoke the image becomes sometimes better than the language。" Today, there have been news photography News pictures to go along with a good momentum of development of both graphic。Based on the analysis of photojournalism feature, combined with the successful experience of domestic and analyzed for the presence of photojournalism practice questions,suggestions and solutions。
Keywords: Photojournalism,News photos,Photography practice
引言 4
一、文献综述 4
(二)我国新闻摄影的问题出路相关研究 4
二、新闻摄影的含义 5
三、我国新闻摄影实践的成功经验 5
(一)精心选材,追求正确的导向性 5
(二)现场抓拍,追求朴素的纪实性 6
(三)心系民情,追求强烈的感染性 7
(四)锦上添花,追求艺术性 7
四、我国新闻摄影存在的问题 7
(一)摆拍之风盛行 8
(二)新闻摄影的真实性 8
五、解决我国新闻摄影存在问题的对策 9
(一)重新对新闻摄影的个性、基本规律进行研究和探讨 10
(二)加强社会信用体系建设 10
(三)数字时代提高新闻摄影记者的综合素质 10
(四)要严格遵守职业道德,加强行业自律 10
(五)要多拍、多学、多思考 11
(六)加强新闻摄影教育 11
结语 12
参考文献 13
致谢 14