    Acknowledgments  I hereby would like to sincerely express my gratitude and appreciation to those who have offered me help in the process of this thesis writing. 
    My profound gratitude first goes to my respected supervisor, Associate Professor Yuan Bing, for her patient guidance and encouragement during the whole process of my thesis writing. She contributes her profound knowledge and constructive advice to this paper, and also impressed deeply me with her passion, patience and preciseness. Without her thought-provoking suggestions, the completion of this thesis is not possible.
    Then, sincere gratitude is also due to all the teachers who ever taught me throughout my college years. They helped me broaden my mind and enrich my knowledge.
    At the same time, I am also grateful to my dear classmates who supported me and helped me overcome the difficulties that I came across during the process of this thesis writing. 
    Last but not least, I am also obliged to my beloved family for their everlasting support and encouragement.20022
    Numerous cultural heritages have been left in the thousands years’ process of Chinese civilization, among which Chinese classics account for a certain proportion. There are often lots of culture-loaded words in these literary works. These words reflect the cultural life of ancient China directly or indirectly and transmit Chinese civilization. However, they also give rise to the barrier or  difficulties in C-E translation practice. Consequently, it is of great significance to study these culture-loaded words and the translation of them.
    According to Nida, translating in the past paid too much attention to the form of the message, and translators tried hard to reproduce stylistic specialties, such as rhythms, grammatical structures, etc. In his opinion, the new focus of translating “has shifted from the form of the message to the response of the receptor”. As the core of Nida’s translation theories, functional equivalence has exerted a worldwide influence on the field of translation.
    The research conducted in this paper is a study on the translation of culture-loaded words in Chinese classics from the perspective of Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory. The paper consists of six parts. The first part serves as an introduction. The second and third part aims at explaining Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory and culture-loaded words respectively. The fourth part probes into the problems and reasons behind in the translation of culture-loaded words of Chinese classics. The fifth part is an attempt to discuss the strategies in translating culture-loaded words from Chinese classics. The sixth part is a conclusion.
    Key Words: culture-loaded words, translation, functional equivalence




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