    Acknowledgments  I am greatly indebted to many people who have helped me during the writing of this thesis.
    First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Associate Professor Yuan Bing, my supervisor, who has provided instructive advice and constant encouragement in the process of writing this thesis. Meanwhile, she has devoted much precious time to reading and revising my manuscript. I am deeply grateful of her help in the completion of this thesis.
    I am also grateful to all the other teachers in the School of Foreign Language of Shanghai Institute of Technology for their direct and indirect help to me. Their enlightening lectures have benefited me immensely in the four-year undergraduate study. Besides, many thanks are also extended to my classmates and my friends who have given me their advice and encouragement.20587
    Finally, my special thanks should be also given to my family who have supported and encouraged me all the time. Their firm support has given me strength and confidence.
    The thesis is an attempt to study and explore the translation of hot Chinese words in the light of relevance theory.
    In recent years, with the increasing exchange between cultures among different nations, translation of hot Chinese words has drawn more and more attention. The hot Chinese word plays an indispensable role in spreading a nation’s culture. This paper attempts to apply relevance theory into the analysis of some typical and practical examples of hot Chinese words translation in order to promote the spread of Chinese culture.  
    According to the relevance theory, translation consists of two ostensive-inferential processes, and three parties are involved: the source text author, the translator and the target text reader. Gutt’s relevance theory regards translation is involved with the mechanism of brain as a cognitive inferential process and a verbal communication behavior. The object of translation study is the mechanism of human brains in the communication of translation. A translation should be a receptor language text that interpretively resembled the original. The optimal relevance is the goal that a translator should achieve, and it is also the criterion by which the version is judged. Therefore, translators should try their best to make the target text reader’s expectations in compliance with the original author’s intentions.
    The thesis is made up of five chapters within the framework of Relevance Theory. Chapter one is a brief introduction to the thesis. Chapter two briefly introduces the Relevance Theory. Chapter three discusses the approaches of hot Chinese words translation under the guidance of the Relevance Theory. Chapter four is the introduction of optimal relevance in translation under context and cognitive environment. Chapter Five is the conclusion. After giving a general summary and implications of the research, the author points out limitations and makes some suggestions for further study and presents some factors to be considered in the process of research.
    Key Words: Relevance Theory, Hot Chinese Words, Translation
    根据关联理论,翻译活动涉及三个交际者:原文作者、译者和译文读者,包含两个明示—推理交际过程。 格特(Gutt)的关联翻译理论把翻译看作是一个涉及大脑机制的认知推理过程,是一种言语交际行为。翻译研究的对象是人的大脑机制,译文应该是同原文释义相似的接受语语段。最佳关联性是译者努力的目标,也是译文评价的准则。译者应尽最大努力使译文读者的期待与原文作者的意图相吻合。
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