Based on Halliday’s systematic functional grammar, Zhu Hongtao (2003) studied the interpersonal meanings of interactive advertisements。 He mainly explored the mood system and person system。 He found that there were two basic speech roles of interactive advertising texts — information-giving and action-demanding。 And the person system in advertising texts was complicated.

Hong Mudan (2008) studied the person system and mood system in English advertising。 She concluded that personal pronoun and mood system was the most convincing part in realizing interpersonal meanings。

Zhao Weihong(2011) studied commercial advertising English according to Halliday's systematic functional grammar and summarized different methods and patterns to realize interpersonal meanings in English commercials。 Her research attempted to analyze interpersonal meanings from the mood system, modality system, person system and evaluation system。

In a word, a lot of work has been done to analyze the interpersonal meaning in English advertising texts with the help of systematic functional grammar。 All these studies lay a solid foundation for the writing of this thesis。 

III。 Theoretical Basis

In functional grammar, language has three meta-functions: ideal, interpersonal, and textual。 Halliday(2000: 49) holds the opinion that interpersonal function means that language is used to communicate with other people, to establish and maintain relations with them, to influence their behavior and to express the speaker or writer’s viewpoints in the world。 The interpersonal meaning is also an interactive event between the advertiser and the reader。 It can establish and maintain certain relationships between them。 

3。1 Mood System

Systematic functional linguistics treats mood as an important part of interpersonal meanings。 From the collected short advertisements, mood system can expose the interpersonal meaning clearly。 

In terms of mood system, Halliday(1994: 68) points out that mood has three kinds — declarative mood, interrogative mood and imperative mood。 Declarative is often realized by simply saying something while interrogative is further pided into yes/ no interrogative and WH- interrogative。 Traditionally, the declaratives are considered to provide information for others, interrogatives are to receive information, while imperatives ask people to take actions。 But in advertising discourse, the same language function can be achieved by one or two moods, sometimes even all of the three moods。 文献综述

From the perspective of grammar, Li Zhanzi (2002) maintains that among all kinds of speech roles that we can perceive, the two most fundamental roles are giving and demanding。 It means that in advertisements, either the advertiser is giving something to the reader or he is demanding something。 It is much too obvious that these two roles function well in advertising discourse。 Advertisements will give some information about advertisers, products or their services to readers。 Meanwhile, they command readers to buy the products or services directly or indirectly。 These discourses include two forms of exchanges— 

information and goods/services。 Information exchange is an essential part in advertising discourse because sufficient and reliable information on goods and service can promote the success of advertising。

3。2 Modality System

    Modality system also influences the interpersonal meanings。 According to functional linguistics, modality is how a speaker expresses his attitude or opinion。 In functional grammar, modality is considered as the intermediate space between “yes” and “no”。 In other words, it represents the advertiser’s perception and viewpoints on a product or service in English commercials。

    According to the functional grammar, the modality system covers two parts: modalization and modulation。 Modalization itself is the judgment of the possibility of the speaker’s proposition。 It includes probability and usuality。 Probability such as definitely, certainly, surely, probably, possibly, etc。, which attaches the different degrees of likelihood。 Usuality like always, usually, often, frequently, sometimes, seldom, rarely, never reflects the degree of frequency。 All these belong to modalization。 Probability which expresses how likely it is to be true, is equivalent to“ may be yes or may be no” ; usuality is equal to“ sometimes yes or sometimes no”.

















