    摘 要中国特色词汇是中国英语研究中相当重要的一部分。所谓中国特色词汇,是相对于普通词汇和外语词汇而言的,是汉语语言文化中独特的语言现象。在中西方文化交流过程中,汉语对英语的影响在不断地扩大,具有中国特色的词汇彰显出其独特的表达优势,同时也给翻译提出了更高的要求。因此在中国特色词汇英译的过程中如何做到既能够保留中国特有的文化内涵,又可以让西方人理解和接受,其复杂性是不言而喻的。本文尝试从翻译策略方面对中国特色词的翻译进行浅析。本文主要由五部分组成。第一部分是对该研究的简要介绍。第二部分概述中国特色词。第三部分讨论了翻译的标准和主要方法。第四部分对中国特色词的翻译策略进行讨论,作者尝试选取一些具体的中国特色词汇被译成英文的实例,用这种既简单又清晰的翻译策略证明其可行性。最后,作者对整篇论文进行总结,并列举出本文的一些主要的研究发现。20947
    Chinese specific terms are becoming increasingly important in the study of China English. Chinese specific terms refer to the words or expressions that are peculiar to the Chinese culture and have no equivalents in English and other languages. In the process of cultural exchange, the influences of Chinese on English continue to expand, and Chinese specific terms with Chinese characteristics show their unique expression advantages, and at the same time, they also put forward higher requirements for translation. So when translating Chinese specific terms into English, the complexity of how to retain the connotation of Chinese culture, enable the Western people to understand and accept them is self-evident. This paper is mainly made up of five parts. Part one is a brief introduction of the research. Part two is an overview of Chinese specific terms. Part three discusses the principles or criteria of translation. Part four is a discussion on translation strategy of Chinese specific terms. In this part, the author attempts to use this simple and clear strategy to demonstrate its feasibility by giving a number of specific examples. In the end, the author makes a conclusion of the whole paper and lists some major findings of the paper.
    Key words: Chinese specific terms; cultural differences; translation methods; strategy

    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. An Overview of Chinese Specific Terms    2
     2.1 Definition of Chinese Specific Terms    2
     2.2 Classification of Chinese Specific Terms    3
     2.3 Characteristics of Chinese Specific Terms    4
    III. Translation Methods of Chinese Specific Terms    5
     3.1 Principles or Criteria of Translation    5
     3.2 Transliteration    7
     3.3 Transliteration with Annotation    7
     3.4 Literal Translation    8
     3.5 Literal Translation with Explanation    9
     3.6 Free Translation    9
    IV. Translation Strategies of Chinese Specific Terms    11
     4.1 Culture, Language and Translation    11
     4.2 Domestication    12
     4.3 Foreignization    13
    V. Conclusion    14
    Bibliography    16
    Acknowledgements    17
    Study on the Translation of Chinese Specific Terms

    I. Introduction

    As we all know, China is an ancient country with a history of 5,000 years, so the influences of Chinese cultural should be transmitted to the outside world. In the 21 st century, the present situation is that the west knows about us far less than we know about them under the background of globalization. Given this, we should pay more attention to translating and spreading our culture to the outside world. For a long time, the words with Chinese characteristics are sometimes difficult to translate because this kind of words often lacks the direct corresponding expression in English, which not only impacts the communication quality but also becomes a big problem in Chinese-English translation. These words peculiar to China are called Chinese specific terms.
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