2 Literature Review

2。1 Definition of Metaphor

In the broad sense, the figure of speech is pided into metaphor, simile and analogy。 However, only metaphor and simile are taken into discussion in this paper。 Feng Cuihua states that a simile, as a figure of speech, compares two unlike elements which have at least one feature in common。 But the comparison of a metaphor is implied and isn’t stated clearly。 It is a condensed simile which differs from the latter only in form and artistry。  (Feng, 1995)

2。2 Previous Researches on Translator’s Subjectivity

The translator, as the main body, is an active factor in the translation, but has been omitted for a long time in the traditional translation。 In the 1970s, western translation researchers put forward "cultural turn", especially Susan Bassnett。 (Douglas, 2006) It is discovered that the translation process is not only a simple conversion process from the source language to the target language, but is filled with creativity。 So the dominant position of the translation has been given attention。 Translators also experienced the process from the invisible role to the main body in the process。 (Susan, 1980) Researches on translator’s subjectivity have gradually become a hot topic in translation studies。 Various translation genres re-establish the status and identity of translators。 Contemporary translation theories such as functional school, describing school, hermeneutics and others began to question the sole authority of the original texts and give the translator a more dominant, more authoritative position。 Lawrence Venuti believes that the requirement of hiding translators is wrong。 George Steiner’s four steps based on translation hermeneutics analysis also reflect the presence and role of the translator in the translation process。 John Don proposes the slogan---“back to the translator”。 (Mu & Lan, 2011)文献综述

As for the translation process, Hung Lin states that translators are active bodies with creative awareness。 (Huang, 2015) As narrators in translation, they need to show their own creativity, emotion and imagination during the translation process, fully demonstrate their critical ability and ability to appreciate literature, excavate inner thoughts, feelings and aesthetic of the work and dialyze its social value and literature significance。 The emergence of language turns into the most abundant art form, so translators in different environments explained the work from their own perspective and in each era they make up works which are fit for language specification and the scope of understanding of the readers。 Meanwhile, the author cannot avoid the impact of the environment and the time。 At the stage of language conversion, the translator will take a variety of ways to reproduce the original thoughts and feelings, language and style features。 Meanwhile, the translator, as the original reader, achieves language conversion after their own understanding。 Every translator should pay close attention to the readers’ cultural environment, social environment, ideas and awareness to translate his work。 Therefore, the translator should be thinking from two angles--- intended readers and potential readers and analysis the cultural and social effects that translation may bring。

















