Since the great novel Wuthering Heights comes out, there have been lots of researches based on this novel。 These studies generally can be pided into two categories。 The first category is focused on the conflicts, including the conflicts between love and reality(Xie, 2001)。 And the second category is mainly about the researches on the single value。

These studies mainly solve the problems in the aspect of Literature。 It benefit us from  analysis of literary works。 But the circumstances of each era are different。 Especially in 21 century, humans need to handle considerable problems。 Based on that, some researches focused on the behaviors of human beings are necessary。 From study how they choose in the novel facing crucial issues, it will do good to our choices。 论文网

1。2 Significance of the Study

For this well-know novel in academic, the previous studies are quite complete。 However, all literature and its researches should serve for the real life。 In term of the clash of civilizations, even though these articles study the clash of civilizations and its results deeply, in reality, we need to be aware of how to deal with such conflicts and how to find a balance between them。 There is no doubt that the pursuit of freedom is one of the human nature, but it is not the all。 There are bad sides in it。 Moreover, few works are capable of linking these two studies。 Human nature is not always static。 External factors also have an impact on them。 The way for realizing the nature could vary from each other。 Are their choices right or wrong? How will their choices influence their fates? This paper will explore these issues。

2 Literature Review

2。。1 Previous Research of Wuthering Heights

2。1。1 Previous Research on the clash of civilizations

    The exploration of the theme--the clash of civilizations has always been a hot topic in literature researches, and these conflicts will be interpreted as different terms, for example, love and passion and rationality(Zhang, 2011; Jiao, 2014)。

    Zhang holds the view that this conflict is embodied in the attitude of love between hero and heroine。 This attitude also shows their choices between civilization and barbarism。 As an abandoned boy, the hero is more originally wildness。 The heroine is deeply influenced by civilization。 They couldn't fall in love from this perspective。 But it is precisely the nature of Catherine--bold, romantic, almost the original human nature that make them so suitable。 But civilization means shackles, Catherine finally chooses Linton as her husband who just represents the civilization, trying to save the hero in this way。 This effort is a failure, and in the end even leads to the frenzied revenge of the hero。 

    According to Jiao, this conflict can be understood as rationality and passion in multiple levels。 The opposition of rationality and passion first is reflected in the civilized gentleman-Lockwood and the strange、oppressive atmosphere of Wuthering Heights, and expressed from Lockwood's crude behaviors and his nightmares。 The development of the conflicts reflects in the Wuthering Heights、 Grange and the characters among them, including two opposing resistance。 Such as the opposition of heroine and the hero, Catherine and Isabella and so on。 These oppositions show that the author, Emily, explained her irony for rationality and civilization, looking forward to returning to nature。 It also comes to the conclude that, from the beginning Emily tries to subvert the order of civilization, and finally she desires to seek a balance between civilization and nature, pursuing a poetry and transcended life, which must be free。

   Whether the love or the conflicts of rationality and passion they focus on, the two researchers are trying to reveal the conflicts between civilization and barbarism in Wuthering Heights, and express their understanding for the meaning of life from such conflicts。 

















