2。1。2 Previous Research on human nature

    In addition to the perspective of clash of civilizations, the articles based on humanity are endless。

    According to Huang Wei (2006), Wuthering Heights reveals a paradox that human beings have the instincts to pursue freedom and at the same time they tend to be self-restraint。 He believes that Wuthering Heights is not about love and hatred between people, nor is it about the conflicts between civilization and barbarism, but about the pursuit of one's own desire。 And there are two kinds of desire in every heart : the pursuit of freedom and self-restraint。 Catherine has two desires too。 One is yearning for freedom so she fell in love with the hero which is the manifestation of this inner desire。 But there is also another desire in her heart that as the citizens in modern civilization their value is recognized by the outside world ,thus she wants to be a person to be recognized by the  around, as the most respectable people。 But to realize this desire, she has to be self-restraint and to give up the freedom。 Catherine chooses the second。 Her death is not caused by external conflicts, but the reason is that her free soul can not stand this bondage on her body and death is the only relief。 The death of Catherine also represents that Emily can do nothing for this contradiction。 She did not find the balance of the two contradictions 。文献综述

    Zhaoji Hui (2013)explores the history of chasing personal freedom in Wuthering Heights by Concept of Freedom。 According to Sartre's concept of freedom, freedom is the destiny of the human condition, and there are two things about freedom which are certain: there is no limit for freedom, and freedom is achieved in specific situations。 Firstly the author discusses the original author Emily's life experience - suffering from injustice and tribulation,which has the important impact on shaping Heathcliff's characteristics。 So Heathcliff is free、rough violent and powerful。 The external environment is not the obstacle to his freedom, on the contrary he has the power to control this environment。 His relationship with the environment is not a struggle, but beyond the relationship with the transcendent。 The wildnesserness was his only ideal place to achieve freedom, so he and his wife wander in this garden in the end of this novel。 At the same time, Heathcliff is a libertarian。 When he face the choice of love and freedom, he chooses to remain his loyal to the past, and escapes with pain。 Eventually, he realizes his freedom。 But the means is just the process and the purpose is freedom。 For his kind, he surpasses them。 Death is not the end of his freedom, but the beginning of another。 Similarly, his pursuit of freedom has also deeply affected the people around him。 Such a concept of freedom coincides with Sartre's concept of freedom , and that is what Emily wants to deliver that one should believe that freedom is no limited and we must continue to pursue it。

















