关键词 商标翻译 商标意象 关联翻译理论
Title The Congruity Between The Translation of Trademarks
And Its Image From The Perspective Of Relevance-Theoretic
Translation Theory
On the basis of relevance-theoretic translation theory, the paper chooses part of the listed trademarks’ translations and analyzes these cases to discuss the congruity between the translation of trademarks and its image. It takes full account of the original intention of the author and the target reader's cognitive context and tries to pursue the optimal relevance between the image that original authors (people who create the name of trademarks ) want to express and target readers’ acceptance of this image. And based on this, the paper puts forward some tryout measures under the guidance of relevance-theoretic translation theory to make the translation of trademarks more loyal to the image of the trademark itself so as to stimulate potential consumers to buy goods represented by translation symbols and achieve the purpose of making profits.
Keywords trademark translation trademark image relevance-theoretic
translation theory
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 1
1.1 The Previous Study Of Trademark Translation In China 1
1.2 Research Motivation And Methodology 2
2 Trademark And Relevance-Theoretic Translation Theory 3
2.1 Trademark 3
2.2 Relevance-Theoretic Translation Theory 4
3 Cultural Connotation Of Trademark 5
3.1 The Importance Of Cultural Connotation Of Trademark 5
3.2 Case Analysis 6
4 Methods Of Trademark Translation In The View of Relevance-Theoretic Translation Theory7
4.1 Direct Congruity.7
4.2 Indirect Congruity 9
Conclusion 13
Acknowledgements 15
Bibliography 16
1 Introduction
On the basis of the influence of economic globalization and the reform and opening-up policy in China, many world famous trademarks have entered Chinese market and give Chinese consumers a deep impression. Also, the situation of Chinese export commodities in China and abroad is good. As the globalization of trademarks, the translation of trademarks has become an unavoidable problem in import and export trade. And a good translation of trademarks which plays an unexpected effect can arouse potential consumers’ desire to buy goods and achieve the purpose of sales promotion. On the contrary, unsuccessful translation would not only bring heavy economic losses to the companies or countries, but may also affect the business or the country's image. There is an increasing number of people thinking that a trademark can show the image of goods to consumers. To some extent, a successful or failing translation of trademarks is directly related to the survival of enterprises. This paper is to research the best way to translate trademarks to achieve the congruity between the translation and its image based on the relevance-theoretic translation theory. Thus, the trademark translation will be promoted.
- 上一篇:信息焦点对日常话语理解影响的语用实证研究
- 下一篇:再别康桥中禅宗思想浅析