
     4.2 The Translation Methods to Reach Beauty in Sound    11
     4.3 Zero Translation to Reach Beauty in Form    12
     V. Conclusion    13
     Bibliography    14
     Acknowledgements    15
    I. Introduction

    With the rapid development of economic globalization, economic exchanges are increasingly frequent between China and other countries of the world. An increasing number of foreign goods including many cosmetics swarm into domestic market. Therefore the competitions among different enterprises are more and more intense. “Trademark is the essence of the marked feature of commodity, the core part of the commodity culture and powerful weapon of taking part in international competition. The trademark translation is the unity of two kinds of culture. A good trademark translation can bring great wealth for enterprises. Conversely, it will make enterprises suffer heavy losses.”(Chen 20) Therefore, many enterprises pay more attention to the trademark translation. Although many researches have been devoted to the trademark translation, rather less attention have been paid to the comprehensive and in-depth research on the translation of cosmetic trademarks. In perspective of three beauties theory, this thesis attempts to analyze the cosmetic trademarks and summarize some translation strategies of cosmetic trademarks.
    The outline for this paper is as follows. The first part serves as the introduction to the whole thesis and introduces the background of cosmetic trademarks translation. The second part describes the previous research on cosmetic trademarks translation and states the Three Beauties’ Theory of Xu Yuanzhong.The third part is the brief introduction of the definition and function of trademarks. And this part also lays out the formation of cosmetic trademark words. The part four refers to some translation methods of cosmetic trademarks such as transliteration, free translation, combination of transliteration and free translation and so forth. The paper is concluded in part five which presents the value, conclusion and disadvantages of the research.
    II. Current Research Situation
    2.1 The Previous Research on Cosmetic Trademarks Translation
    With the developing economy, people begin to realize the significance of trademark translation. Since China implemented reform and opening policy, people have paid attention to trademark translation. So far, the research on trademark translation consists of three periods.
    Having a glimpse of the research on translation of brand names, the thesis goes to explore the definition, formation and functions of cosmetic brand names. In the light of functionalist theory, the informative function, aesthetic function and vocative function, along with the positioning of the cosmetic brand names, call for the factors such as consumer psychology, culture and aesthetics to be considered in the translation of cosmetic brand names. By analyzing the translation of cosmetic brand names randomly collected from supermarkets, department stores and websites, their translation strategies (linguistic relevance strategy and product relevance strategy) and translation methods (transliteration, literal translation, transliteration and literal translation, and adaptation) are suggested. Besides, being the main approaches to realize and preserve the aesthetic values of cosmetic brand names, diction and the choice of rhythm and tones are researched and explained.
    Although many researches have been devoted to the trademark translation, rather less attention have been paid to the comprehensive and in-depth research on the translation of cosmetic trademarks. In China, some scholars studied the translation of cosmetic trademarks from the perspectives of Skopos, Aesthetic Theory and Linguistic Adaptation Theory. Many of the studies only refer to the surface of the translation of cosmetic trademark. Moreover, few scholars study the translation of cosmetic trademarks in light of the Three Beauties Theory.
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