Applying interdisciplinary knowledge supplement in high school English teaching can realize the course integration, reinforce the coherence and openness of course。 Once the statement is proved to be true, it offers a new method for English teaching。

1。3 Research purpose源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网 原文+QQ75201,8766

However, all the researches are written in literature review with a qualitative analysis of the benefits of interdisciplinary knowledge supplement。 There is no research which has designed a experiment to scientifically prove that interdisciplinary knowledge supplement can arise students’ reading comprehension ability and there is no research to quantitatively test the degree of improvement。 Therefore, it is necessary to design a experiment to prove that interdisciplinary knowledge supplement is worth being applied to English class in senior high school。

There are 40 participants in this research and the research will be conducted in the form of contrast experiment。 After the necessary data about participants’ accuracy of the reading comprehension tasks are collected, they will be analyzed in the qualitative and quantitative ways to testify that interdisciplinary knowledge supplement can improve reading comprehension ability indeed and quantify the degree of improvement。

The ultimate aim of this research is to prove that interdisciplinary knowledge supplement has a big role in improving the reading comprehension ability。 And for further study, it aims to quantify the degree of improvement。 Finally, the research aims to give suggestions on English teaching and learning based on these findings。

2。 Literature Review

2。1 The Definition and Significance of interdisciplinary knowledge supplement

Interdisciplinary knowledge supplement refers to consciously, orderly, organically linking to other disciplines during teaching activity of a certain subject and penetrating the relevant knowledge in order to achieve the teaching objectives。(Luo, 2015)

Applying in English refers to explain the relevant knowledge, for example, a phenomenon (nostalgia, the earthquake, the transmission of disease, etc。) through information and methods supplied by other disciplines。 This can not only make students recall or construct the background of the article, but can also stimulate the students' reading motivation。 Make students have a better understanding of the passage design and have a more accurate grasp of the gist。 It is sometimes a more specific and off-limit background introduction compared to the brief introduction which teachers like to use in the Lead-in part as the beginning of the class。 Most of the time, it is an analytical strategy supplied by other disciplines。

The new curriculum reform states that it is imperative to strengthen the relations between course content and students’ life as well as the tie between modern society and scientific development。 The new curriculum should focus on the learning interests and life experience of students and select the necessary knowledge and skills for students’ lifelong learning。 English curriculum states that English and other disciplines are mutually penetrated and connected and the teaching activities should promote this link。

Therefore, in the new era of English teaching, we should regard subject integration as a guiding ideology。 Integrate English within other subjects in achieving students’ overall development and sustainable development。

Supplying interdisciplinary knowledge in English reading instruction can actualize the course integration, reinforce the coherence and openness of course。 Supplying science knowledge in English teaching instruction can cultivate a kind of rational thinking, which can effectively promote students' comprehensive development。 Supplying liberal arts knowledge in English reading instruction can cultivate virtuous and comprehensive talents who are the main force in the era of knowledge economy。

















