Penetration and coherence in all subjects together with the combination of scientific education and humanistic education can realize comprehensive quality-oriented education。 The supplement of interdisciplinary knowledge meets the requirement of future education。来自优Y尔L论W文Q网 加QQ7520~18766

2。2 Studies on the improvement of reading comprehension ability through interdisciplinary knowledge supplement

According to the definition of interdisciplinary knowledge supplement, there are two kinds of application modes。 One is offering off-limited background knowledge; another is offering interdisciplinary analytical strategy。 Since there is no research discussing about the improvement of reading comprehension ability through interdisciplinary knowledge supplement, the elaboration of the interdisciplinary knowledge supplement will be considered as off-limited background knowledge offering and interdisciplinary analytical strategy offering。

Both theorists and practitioners agree that “ reading comprehension is an active process where readers interact with the text, using background knowledge that they bring to the comprehension process as well as the linguistic and rhetorical features of the text itself ” (Gao, 2013)。 So it is strongly recommended that teachers should be more sensitive to the role of background knowledge。

The academic term for background knowledge is schemata theory。 The process for students to recall or build background knowledge is the process for students to build or activate schemata while comprehending。 Schemata theory explains how knowledge is represented and how new knowledge is integrated with prior knowledge (Carrel, 1983)。 For example, a group of students with sufficient background knowledge about world history, politics, economy, etc。 may understand a text about the Great Depression better than those who lack such knowledge。 

In Carrel’s study, learners construct the meaning from the text。 Meaning does not just lie in the text。 Instead, it is constructed out of the interaction between a learner's activated background and the content of the text。 If a student does not use his or her background knowledge, a significant part of the reading process is absent。 The interactive belief on reading comprehension considers both text and background knowledge。 Once the understanding process of the textual message has taken place, the learner tests its accuracy against previous information。 Once students confirm that the re-interpretation accords with his previous knowledge, the understanding of the text begins。 If there is some inconsistency or inaccuracy in the re-interpretation of a text, the learner may read the text again or may not believe the information of the text until later when a more plausible re-interpretation can be proved。论文网

Many students find it difficult to grasp the theme or understand the organization of the English passage mainly because of different thinking modes of English and Chinese。 Therefore, though Chinese and English are both belong to the language category, they cannot be learned under the same thinking mode。 The learning process of English passage needs to use analytic strategy from other disciplines for reference。 For example, organizing skills - categorizing, comparing, representing; analyzing skills - identifying attributes and components, identifying relationships, patterns; generating skills - questioning, inferring, predicting, estimating。

There are two thinking modes of writing a passage, rectilinear and screw。 The English passage is in a rectilinear thinking style。 The westerners value rationality so they like to write and learn a passage through logical argument in the writing order of main opinion, supportive ideas, examples and conclusion。 The thinking mode of Chinese is in a screw type because the Chinese thinking mode emphasizes on savvy。

















