2。 Literature Review

2。1 The current status of English news

In the end of the twentieth Century, nearly 20 countries and regions in the world have had the international satellites, with a total of more than 300 sets of programs。 But more than half of these huge achievements come from the United States, and the other half are mostly from western developed countries。 (Rosendale & Longcore 57-61)As to the status of China’s international broadcasting, it is relatively weak, with a small range of radiation and a small number of overseas communication sites。 What’s more, the developed countries have  made use of their economic and technological advantages to seize the communication resources。 According  to  statistics,  the  developed  countries  with  20%  of  the  total  world  population accounted for 90% radio frequency, which directly resulted in western countries’ hegemony in the development of news。 (Gao 2629-2639) Most news events are obviously explained for western countries’ benefit。 And some international English news reports about Chinese are not unbiased。来自优W尔Y论W文C网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520,18766

To make matters worse, the study of English news in China is faced with the lack of professionals。 Li Xiguang, Professor of Journalism and communication college, Qinghua University, once said, “qualified reporters must have three basic skills: skill for news writing; skill for thinking, interviewing and writing in English way and proficiency in a particular skill。” But now the Chinese journalists just accept some simple training, so the news is less sensitive and cannot touch the depth of the international economy and finance, which affected the quality of English news communication in China。 The professionalism of Chinese journalists needs to be improved。

2。2 The origin and development of English news headlines

Among many media, the newspaper is the oldest, and the title of the  newspaper develops from scratch, from rough to delicate。 The development and impact of new media accelerate the arrival of a new era--the "reading title time"。 Thought the development of English newspaper, the emergence and development of news headlines are mainly reflected in the following three aspects: (Zhang Study 200)

A。 From scratch

The western tabloid originated in Venice, Italy。 This kind of tabloid issues  irregularly。 Its main content is commodity prices, shipping schedules and traffic information。 And the news in this time had no title。 During the seventeenth Century to the eighteenth Century, the printing press appeared in the west。 In 1702, Britain's first daily news came out in London。 The news in this kind of newspaper had no title。 This state of no title continued to the nineteenth Century when the penny press thrived。 Started in 1855, the Daily Telegraph took the lead to title the major news to attract readers’ attention。 In the United States, the first printed newspaper was born in Boston in September 25, 1690, known as Public events at home and abroad。 The newspaper's reports also had no title。 Until 1860s, with the outbreak of the  civil  war  in  the  United  States,  the  news  headlines  appeared。  The  Western     English newspaper news has experienced a long process from scratch。

B。 Classified titles

In the process of news headlines developing from nothing, both the Chinese and Western newspapers have experienced a transition period of classified titles。 The most famous British senior newspaper the Times started to classify the newspaper as a few parts, for example, congressional debate, dynamic news, business and so on when it was founded in early 1785。 In the United States, newspapers in the early eighteenth Century began to use classified headlines to lay out news。

















