
    Secondly, the author usually selects the application of one vocabulary instructional theory such as phonetic symbol teaching method or phonics teaching method as the research object. Or the author may compare two different kinds of vocabulary teaching methods so as to attempt to argue that one teaching method accomplishes the effectiveness in practical primary school English vocabulary teaching. For instance, the situational teaching method can be employed in vocabulary teaching. In primary school, students' interest in vocabulary learning can motivate the effectiveness to a great extent. Therefore, teachers should leave no stone unturned to set scenes for students or help them pick up the method of vocabulary learning through contexts (Chen Chunming, 2010, p.80). Furthermore, the phonetic symbol teaching method should be emphasized again. Teachers should train students the ability of memorizing vocabulary in accordance with its phonetic symbol. After presenting a new word, students don't need to read and spell the word from the first letter to the last letter. They should recognize and memorize the combination of correlative letters. Only in this way can they avoid leaving out some letters frequently. And it is very convenient for students to have a good command of phonetic symbols (Sun Yanli, 2010, p.114).
    Finally, the author sets one teaching result as evaluation criterion, exploring whether current primary English vocabulary teaching is effective or interesting and confirming the depth of the achievement of its effectiveness or interestingness. Take the artistry of primary school English vocabulary teaching as an example. There are five aspects for teachers to realize the artistry of vocabulary teaching. First, teachers should create situation in order to make the vocabulary teaching interesting. Second, students are ought to put the single vocabulary into a complete sentence so as to realize the integration. Third, teachers can lead students to make chants, adding expressions and actions, in order to turn the vocabulary teaching into a process of performance. Fourth, students can change the pace of vocabulary to make it rhythmic. Last, students should practice more and teachers are ought to make the vocabulary teaching procedures like a series of games (Meng Qianying, 2010, p.199).
    Nevertheless, there is nearly no research on the issue how to simultaneously guarantee the effectiveness, practicability and interestingness of primary school English vocabulary teaching in Jiangsu province since the English Curricular Standards in the Phrase of Compulsory Education (2011 Edition) has been promulgated and implemented and since the new English textbook has been updated by the spring of 2015. Therefore, a survey is needed to probe into the current situation of English vocabulary teaching in Lishui NO.3 Primary School, a middle-level primary school located in Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu province.
    Chapter Three Methodology
    3.1 Research Questions
    In this survey, two research questions will be dealt with. First, what’s the present situation of English vocabulary teaching as well as vocabulary learning in primary schools? Second, what suggestions can be concluded for the English teachers to take in their teaching of English vocabulary?
    3.2 Subjects
    In order to make this survey more comprehensive, scientific and credible to manifest the true present situation of English vocabulary teaching in Lishui NO.3 Primary School from different angles, the subjects in this survey include both the school's English teachers and students from four different grades.
    The author chooses 10 teachers in total, of which 2 are males and 8 are females. Among the 10 English teachers, one teaches Grade 3, one teaches Grade 4, two of them teach Grade 5, and one teaches Grade 6. In the rest five English teachers, two teach both Grade 3 and Grade 6, one teaches Grade 4 and Grade 5, one teaches Grade 4 and Grade 6, and the last one teaches both Grade 5 and Grade 6.
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