Abstract Politeness, as a normal social phenomenon, is prevalent in many different languages。 However, because of cultural differences and pragmatic habits of different countries, people's understandings of the courtesy are so different。 Their ways to handle and use politeness vary greatly from country to country。 There are many reasons that are responsible for this phenomenon。 For example, different cultural background and values in China and Western countries。 These differences always hinder our effective cross-cultural communication。 So, in English learning, we should study these differences so as to improve the effectiveness of our communication with those people from different cultures。 This paper will compare and contrast some different politeness principles and some causes for these principles in China and Western countries。94407

Keywords: courtesy language; cultural difference; cross-cultural communication

摘要 礼貌用语,作为一个普通的社会现象,盛行于许多不同的语言中。但是,由于不同国家的文化差异和语用习惯,人们对于礼貌用语的理解不尽相同。每个国家处理和使用礼貌用语的方式也非常不同。有很多原因造成了这一现象。比如,中国和西方国家在文化背景和价值观上存在差异。这些差异经常会阻碍我们有效的跨文化交流。所以,在英语学习中,我们应该要研究这些问题来提高和这些有着不同文化背景的人交流的效率。本文将会对比和比较中国和西方国家的不同礼貌原则以及产生这些不同的原因。



1。 Introduction 1

1。1 Background of this study 1

1。2 Significance of this study 2

2。 Literature Review 2

3。 Contrast between Chinese and English Politeness 3

3。1 Politeness principles 3

3。2 Politeness terms 6

4。 Reasons for the Differences 11

4。1 Differences of values 12

4。2 Differences of religions 12

4。3 Differences of geography。 12

5。 Conclusion 13

Works Cited 14

1。 Introduction 源C于H优J尔W论R文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ752-018766

Language is a vital product of culture which exists in many different cultures。 Politeness is an important part in language which can smooth the communication between people。 Courtesy language, which means using mild or agreeable words in place of these rude or offensive ones, is no doubt a crucial element of culture。 In the daily life, it is an inevitable part。 It is not only the symbol of cultural development, but also an useful tool to boost our cooperation。 Courtesy language directly leads to the success of the communication。 There are plenty of same taboos in Chinese and Western language, for instance, words of death, disability, physiological behaviors and diplomacy terms。 However, because of the great differences on cultures and values in China and Western countries, people might have many ridiculous misunderstandings about politeness from different societies and deal with them in different ways。 Actually, these kinds of misunderstandings in actual interactions always lead to improper usages and expressions, which will eventually cause failures in communications。 So, it is necessary for us to pay close attention to the implication of language or the usage of politeness in different cultures。 This article tries to list some different politeness principles from China and Western countries。 In addition, it will explore some main causes lead to these differences, aiming at improving the successful cross-cultural communication in current society。

















