    Abstract From the perspective of reception theory, this thesis aims to study Ren Rongrong’s translation techniques on children’s literature through making a contrastive analysis between the original text and the Chinese version of Stuart Little. 26462
    Having translated over three hundred children’s literary works and made great achievements on children’s literature translation, Ren Rongrong is a well-known children’s literature translator in China. The success of his translations dues to his unique application of translation techniques. Translation techniques play an important role in the practice of children’s literature translation and systematic children’s literature translation techniques stimulate the development of children’s literature translation. However, the theory and practice of children’s literature translation are of great imbalance in China. Based on this, this thesis intends to summarize Ren Rongrong’s translation techniques on the levels of syntax, rhetoric and linguistic.
    During the process of translation, Ren Rongrong is under the guidance of reader-centered principle and pays attention to the visual, audial and oral aesthetic needs of the readers which reflects the ideology of reception theory. After an analysis of the original text and the Chinese version of Stuart Little, conclusions are as follows: firstly, Ren Rongrong simplifies the sentence patterns in short sentences. Besides, he visualizes his expressions by using repetitions, onomatopoeias and interjections. Moreover, he uses colloquial languages to cater for children’s tastes. Ren Rongrong’s children’s literature translation provides a new theoretical perspective and great inspiration for the studies and researches of children’s literature translation.
    Key words:     Translation Techniques     Children’s literature translation   Reception Theory     Stuart Little
    毕业论文关键词:     翻译技巧     儿童文学翻译     接受理论     《精灵鼠小弟》
    Abstract    i
    摘要    iii
    Contents    iv
    Chapter I Introduction    1
    1.1    Research Background    1
    1.2    Research Significance    2
    1.3 Structure of the Thesis    2
    Chapter II Literature Review    4
    2.1    Children’s Literature    4
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