
    2.1.1 Definition of Children’s Literature    4
    2.1.2 Characteristics of Children’s Literature    5
    2.2    The Translation of Children’s Literature    7
    2.2.1 The Current Situation in West    7
    2.2.2 The Current Situation in China    8
    2.3 Previous Studies on Ren Rongrong’s Translation Ideas on Children’s Literature    9
    Chapter III Theoretical Framework: Reception Theory    12
    3.1    Theoretical Roots of Reception Theory    12
    3.2    The Key Concepts of Jauss’s Reception Theory    13
    3.2.1 Status and Role of Readers    13
    3.2.2 Horizon of Expectation    13
    3.2.3 Indeterminacy of Text and Vacancy of Meaning    14
    3.3 Reception Theory’s Application to Children’s Literature Translation    14
    Chapter IV Study on Ren Rongrong’s Version of Stuart Little from the Perspective of Reception Theory    17
    4.1    Introduction of the Author and Novel    17
    4.2 Study on Ren Rongrong’s Translation Techniques in Stuart Little    18
    4.2.1 Simplification of Sentences Patterns    18
    4.2.2 Visualization of Expressions    21
    4.2.3 Usage of Colloquial Language    24
    4.3    Discussion    26
    Chapter V Conclusion    28
    5.1    Findings of the Research    28
    5.2    Limitations of the Research    29
    5.3 Prospect for Future Study    30
    References    31
    On Ren Rongrong’s Translation Techniques of Children’s Literature from the Perspective of Reception Theory
    ----A Case Study on Stuart Little
    Chapter One Introduction
    1.1    Research Background
    During the development of children’s literature in China, the contribution of many translated children’s literary works couldn’t be neglected. Children’s literature plays an important role in children’s physical and mental development so that study on children’s literature translation is definitely of great significance. Because of lacking useful children’s literature translation techniques for a long time, translation of children’s literature had always developed at a very low speed. Therefore, it is necessary for scholars to make researches and studies on systematic translation techniques of successful translators.
    Among many successful translators, Ren Rong is a representative personage. He has translated over three hundred children’s literary works and his success dues to his unique translation techniques. He takes the unique characteristics of its target readers into consideration which happens to reflect the ideology of reception theory. Reception theory holds the view that translators should focus on readers’ accepting ability and horizon of expectation.
    Based on this situation, this paper makes a contrastive study on the English and Chinese versions of Stuart Little from the perspective of reception theory in the hope of providing a broader view in the study of children’s literature translation, changing the research center from text-centered to reader-centered and exploring more useful translation techniques of children’s literature.
    1.2    Research Significance
    This thesis intends to study Ren Rongrong’s translation techniques on children’s literature and apply reception theory to children’s literature, taking Stuart Little as a case to study.
    The significance of this research can be shown by two ways. On one hand, the author desires to make Ren Rongrong’s translation techniques about children’s literature be raised more concern. His translation techniques will be the useful references for future study. On the other hand, reception theory’s application to children’s literature will provide a new perspective for studies on children’s literature translation. Translators will pay close attention to systematic studies on children’s literature. The associated theories about children’s literature translation will be enriched and the theory and practice of children’s literature translation will be in balance.
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