    Abstract  With the rapid development of e-commerce, the network group buying has gradually developed into a new mode of electronic commerce, As the backbone of the network group buying consumer, college students often makes irrational purchasing decisions to network group-buying because of the lack of experience in dealing with product information. Therefore, this paper, based on the consumers’ purchasing behavior theory, explores the factors influencing college students’ irrational purchasing decision to network group-buying. By studying the relevant knowledge, designing the questionnaire, and doing empirical research on a sample represented by undergraduates from 4 universities in Xuzhou. Moreover, through the method of hypotheses testing, the paper finds these influencing factors, including the shopping  guidance around, the college students’ personal mood, the network or the businessman integrity and the features of product or service. Based on the results, some suggestions will be given to help college students establish right value to consumption. The first is moderate consumption. Young people should make a consumption plan, and allocating the proportion of purchase. The second is rational consumption. Do not be impulse, or self-display, arrange reasonable sum of expenditure according to present financial condition. Finally, think twice before making group-buying decision. List the categories that need to buy, and try to ignore those unnecessary spending.
    Key Words: group-buying     irrational consumption     undergraduates
    摘  要随着电子商务的飞速发展,网络团购已经逐渐发展成为一种新兴的电子商务模式。作为网络团购消费的中坚力量,大学生在处理产品信息方面缺乏足够的经验,在团购消费中,不乏非理性购买行为。基于此,本文通过系统分析大学生网络团购相关知识,基于消费者购买行为理论,设计调查问卷,以徐州四所高校大学生为样本进行实地调研,运用统计学等方法分析结果,探究大学生产生不理性网络团购行为的影响因素,得出实证结果:大学生周边人的消费导向,大学生购物时的心情,商家的诚信荣誉,口碑,以及所购买产品或服务的本身特征吸引力,都对大学生产生不理性团购行为有显著影响。并针对这些结论,提出建议,帮助大学生树立科学理性的消费观。首先要适度消费,年轻人应该做一个消费计划,合理分配购买的比例;其次是要理性消费。不要冲动,或者显摆,根据目前的经济条件安排消费的数额;最后,要三思而后行,列出需要购买清单,忽略掉那些不必要的花费。26461
    毕业论文关键词:网络团购     不理性消费     大学生
    Chapter One  Introduction.1  1.1 Research Background..1
        1.2 Significance and Purpose2
    Chapter Two  Literature Review..4
        2.1 Current Researches on Group-buying..4
        2.2 Current Researches on Irrational Purchase5
        2.3    Limitations of Current Researches.6
    Chapter Three  Methodology.8
        3.1 Questionnaire Designing.8
        3.2 Methods of Hypotheses Testing..8
        3.3 Hypotheses Proposed9
    Chapter Four  Results and Discussion11
        4.1 Data&Analysis.11
        4.2 Hypothese Testing15
        4.3 Influencing Factors on Irrational Group-buying..16
    Chapter Five  Conclusion.18
        5.1 Research Conclusion.. ..18
        5.2 Research Limitations and Suggestions for Improvement19
    Appendix I.22
    Appendix II..27
    An Analysis of Irrational Consumption in Group-buying Under E-commerce Environment——A Case Study of Undergraduates in Xuzhou
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