    Abstract Based on the functional equivalence theory, this paper chooses two Chinese versions of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz as research objects, Ma Ainong’s version and Chen bochui’s version, to discuss the translating strategies and methods of the two versions in achieving the functional equivalence.26833
        This paper aims to clear the functions of the original text for children’s literature work based on the analysis of the semantic, style and cultural levels. From the above three aspects, the paper aims to find out how the two Chinese versions achieve the functional equivalence and the degree of the equivalence.
        Through the analysis of original text, the comparison between the original text and the translated versions and the comparison between the two Chinese versions, this paper suggests as follows:
    (1) Functional equivalence plays an important role in the translation of children’s literature. In the practice of translation, the functional equivalence has certain practical function on CLT.
    (2) Ma Ainong’s version and Chen Bochui’s version achieve the functional equivalence in different extent. Based on the background of times, whether in the cultural aspect or in the semantic aspect or in the style aspect, the two versions both realize the equivalence to the regional work without absolute good or bad.
    Key Words: Children’s Literature Translation     Functional Equivalence Theory     The Wonderful Wizard of Oz     Comparative study
    摘  要本文通过对《绿野仙踪》两个中译本——马爱农《绿野仙踪》中译本和陈伯吹《绿野仙踪》中译本的对比研究,运用功能对等理论,来探讨两者在实现原文功能对等方面分别采取的策略以及方法。本文旨在通过在语义层面、风格层面以及文化层面对原文本进行分析,明确原文本对于儿童文学的功能,然后从以上三个层面对马爱农中译本以及陈伯吹中译本进行比较分析,从中选取例证来看两个译本分别是如何实现与原文的功能对等的,以及各自实现的程度如何。
    毕业论文关键词:儿童文学翻译     功能对等理论     《绿野仙踪》     对比研究
    Abstract    i
    摘  要    ii
    Contents    iii
    Chapter One Introduction    1
    1.1 Background    1
    1.2 Research Rationale    2
    1.3 Research Purpose and Significance    3
    1.4 Research Questions    4
    1.5 The Structure of the Thesis    4
    Chapter Two Literature Review    6
    2.1 The Functional Equivalence Theory in Children’s Literature Translation    6
    2.2 The Study of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz    6
    Chapter Three Theoretical Framework    9
    3.1 Introduction to Functional Equivalence Theory    9
    3.2 Functional Equivalence Theory in Children’s Literature    10
    Chapter Four A Comparative Study of the Two Chinese Versions of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz    12
    4.1 Introduction to The Two Chinese Versions of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz    12
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