
    2.2.1 The General Introduction to the Skopostheorie    7
    2.2.2 Three Basic Terms    8 The Skopos    8 The Translation Brief    8 The Target Reader    8
    2.2.3 The Three Rules of the Skopostheorie    9 The Skopos Rule    9 The Coherence Rule    10 The Fidelity Rule    10 The Relationship between the Three Rules    10
    2.3 The Possibility of Studying the Translator’s Subjectivity within the Framework of the Skopostheorie    11
    Chapter Three Methodology    13
    3.1 Domestication    13
    3.2 Translation Methods    14
    3.2.1 Free Translation    14
    3.2.2 Addition    14
    3.2.3 Omission    14
    3.2.4 Shift    15
    3.2.5 Diction    15
    3.2.6 Syntactical Adjustment: Combination, Division and Order Rearrangement    16
    3.2.7 Concretization of Functional Words    16
    Chapter Four A Case Study of Lu Qiuying’s Chinese Version of The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian    17
    4.1 A General Introduction to the Source Text and the Target Text    17
    4.1.1 The Source Text and Its Author    17
    4.1.2 The Target Text and Its Translator    17
    4.1.3 The Main Purpose and the Target Reader of the Chinese Version    17
    4.2 Case Analysis    18
    4.2.1 Domestication Strategy    18
    4.2.2 Application of Free Translation    20
    4.2.3 Application of Addition    21 Adding Subjects    22 Adding Adjectives    22 Adding Adverbs    23 Adding Reasons    24 Adding Notes    25
    4.2.4 Application of Omission    25
    4.2.5 Application of Shift    27
    4.2.6 Translation of Diction    30
    4.2.7 Syntactical Adjustment    33
    4.2.8 Concretization of Functional Words    35
    4.3 Summary    37
    Chapter Five Conclusion    38
    5.1 Major Findings    38
    5.2 Limitations    39
    5.3 Recommendation    39
    References    41
    On the Translator’s Subjectivity from the Perspective of the Skopostheorie:A Case Study of Lu Qiuying’s Chinese Version of The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
    Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 The Purpose of the Research
    For a long time, the translator has been traditionally regarded as servants that should remain invisible in the translation process. Yet, since the “cultural turn,” translation has shifted its focus from the text to the translator and the translator’s subjectivity has been attracting more and more attention (Wang, 2009, p. 164). An increasing number of translation scholars and theorists become aware of the translator’s subjectivity, trying to demonstrate the translator’s subjectivity under the framework of various existing theories.
    This thesis adopts the Skopostheorie as its theoretic framework. On the basis of proving the possibility of studying the translator’s subjectivity from the perspective of the Skopostheorie, the thesis takes up the Chinese version of The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian translated by Lu Qiuying to do a case study. The thesis aims to research the manifestation of the translator’s subjectivity in selecting specific translation strategies and methods and to explore the possible influence of the translation purpose and the target reader on the manifestation of the translator’s subjectivity, hoping to prove the unique role of the translator in the translation process and to highlight the status of the translator.
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