关键词 《夜莺与玫瑰》 翻译美学 审美符号 审美模糊集
Title On The Versions of The Nightingale and the Rose From the Perspective of Translation Aesthetics
In the theory of translation aesthetics,beauty in sign and beauty in sets of fuzziness are the two aspects of translation, from which the scholars analyze how different translated versions transcend the original literary value through different appreciation of beauty.This thesis is focus on the study on Oscar Wilde’s fairy tale, “The Nightingale and the Rose”,from the perspective of translation aesthetics,analyzing how different translated versions reproduce aesthetic elements in the original text.
Keywords The Nightingale and the Rose translation aesthetics beauty in sign beauty in sets of fuzziness
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Literature Review 1
1.2 Significance of the study 3
2 Translation Aesthetics 4
2.1 Definition of Translation Aesthetics 4
2.2 Translation Aesthetics of Liu Miqing 5
3 Reproduction of Aesthetic Elements in Translation of “The Nightingale and the Rose” 6
3.1 Reproduction of Beauty in Sign 6
3.2 Reproduction of Beauty in Sets of Fuzziness 11
Conclusion 13
Acknowledgments 14
Bibliography 14
Appendix 16
1. Introduction
“The Nightingale and the Rose” is one of the fairy tales of Oscar Wilde.In this story,a young student cried for not having a red rose to invite the girl he loved very much to dance with him. A nightingale heard him,and helped the young student get a red rose at the expense of sacrificing her life.Wilde studied at Trinity College,Dublin, and at Oxford. In Oxford he shocked everyone with his irreverence toward religion,but was remembered mostly for his stylish and eccentric clothing. When at twenty-four he moved to London,Wilde was almost immediately crowned the spokesman for the Aesthetic movement,which advocated art for art’s sake.He worked as an art reviewer (Yolen,2006:238-248).The flowery language and the beautiful image in this fairy tale make the tale filled with aesthetic appearance.
1.1 Literature Review
So far,studies related to the topic of this thesis mainly be embodied in two aspects in China,studies on versions of “The Nightingale and the Rose”,and studies on translation aesthetics.
In CNKI,there are 113 essays related with versions of “The Nightingale and the Rose”.The author briefly pided it into two parts,which are studies focus on the function of translation of “The Nightingale and the Rose”and studies focus on translation theory in the study of the versions.In 2013,Qiu Xiaorong pided the aesthetic elements of the text into three parts,which are beauty of love,beauty of tragedy and beauty of image,reflecting the aesthetic significance of the tale.In 2012,Shi Zongwei from Tianjin Normal University compared two translation versions of “The Nightingale and the Rose” by using skopos theory.Studying from the three perspectives,initiator of the translation activities,target receivers and the translator, Shi Zongwei analyzed choosing different translation strategy under the guidance of the different purpose of translation.These two examples are studies focus on the function of translation version.Du Yafang from Hubei University of Technology compared and analyzed two Chinese versions of “The Nightingale and the Rose” in the frame of text for the reason that translation exists in the form of text ,and most translations are conducted at the text level.
- 上一篇:交际翻译理论视角下的电影片名翻译
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