
    (4)    Season 4 Episode 9:
    Leonard: Why do I bother talking to you people?
    Version 2:
    This dialogue happens after Penny kissed Leonard, Leonard told his friends about this thing. He said the sentence when he couldn’t bear to be laughed at by his friends.  
    Version 2 “吃饱了撑着”is the commonly used Chinese colloquial expression, it is in line with Chinese people’s habits when they express “superfluous”.
    (5) Season 5 Episode 21:
    Howard: I’m just letting him have a little taste of his own medicine.
    Bernadette: That’s not the same thing.
    Version 1:
    Version 2:
    This dialogue happens when Howard told Bernadette that he had done something mean to Sheldon, Bernadette didn’t agree with his way, she wanted to persuade him to consider their friendship and Sheldon’s feelings.“have a little taste of his own medicine”is corresponding to the Chinese expression“以其人之道还至其人之身”。Version 1 expresses the original meaning with indicative words, but for most readers, they are very familiar with the proverb “以其人之道还至其人之身”, and its expressive effects are better. To correspond to the target culture, version 2 is more felicitous.

    (6)Season 5 Episode 21:
    Mrs Wolowitz: It’s like trying to keep two dogs in a bathtub.
    Sheldon: What do you want me to do?
    Version 1:
    Version 2:
    沃洛文茨女士: 就好像试着把两只狗放入一个浴缸的感觉一样。
    This dialogue happens when Sheldon accompanied Mrs Wolowitz to buy clothes, and in the fitting room, Mrs Wolowitz couldn’t put clothes on for she was too fat, then she called Sheldon for some help. This is an example of proverb translation.“keep two dogs in a bathtub”means“two dogs will fight if they are put one bathtub”, it is corresponding to Chinese version“一山不容二虎”. According to Functional Equivalence Principle and Nida’s Readers-Response to the source language, version 1 is suitable and visual.

    (7)Season 5 Episode 20:
    Rajesh: There is something I want to talk to you about. I wasn’t ready until now,UhI think it’s time.
    Rajesh’s dad: It’s finally happening.You are coming out of the closet,aren’t you?
    Version 1:
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