    摘 要关于麦克白夫人,许多评论者从其恶劣的话语和对邪恶的坚守中认为她是一个对权力有着无尽欲望的女人。以荣格分析心理学理论为基础,本文探讨了麦克白夫人邪恶语言背后的心理状态并进而阐释了麦克白夫人并不是一个具有强烈意志的富有野心的女人,实际上她一直以丈夫为中心,其所言所行都源于对丈夫炽烈的爱。通过对麦克白夫人的分析,我们可以得出结论:女人应该为了自身的独立自主而奋斗。即使在当代,其悲剧对于女性同胞来说也有普遍启示价值。29240
    Abstract As regards Lady Macbeth, many critics see her in her appalling words and commitment to evil as one with an insatiable desire for power. On the basis of the theory of Jungian analytical psychology, the thesis explores the psychological state of Lady Macbeth behind her horrible speeches thus demonstrates that instead of being an aggressive woman of strong will, Lady Macbeth is in fact husband-oriented. The motivation for her sayings and doings is the burning love towards her husband. From the analysis of Lady Macbeth, we can draw to the conclusion that women should strive to be independent. Even in modern times, the tragedy of Lady Macbeth has a general implication to women as a whole.
      Key words: Lady Macbeth; archetype; persona; shadow
     An Analysis of Lady Macbeth
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    Ⅰ. Introduction    1
    Ⅱ. A Comparison Between Medea and Lady Macbeth    4
    2.1 The Blindness of Love    4
    2.2 Sacrifice Everything for Love    6
    Ⅲ. The Conflicts Between Persona and Shadow    8
    3.1 The Persona in Lady Macbeth    8
    3.2 The Shadow in Lady Macbeth    10
    3.3 The Confrontation Between the Persona and the Shadow    12
    Ⅳ. The Implication of Lady Macbeth’s Tragedy    13
    Ⅴ. Conclusion    14
    Bibliography    17
    Acknowledgements    18
    Ⅰ. Introduction
    William Shakespeare, a master hand for play-writing, shows great talent in characterization, as Goethe says of Shakespeare: “His characters are like watches inward mechanism also is all visible.” (Yang 135) During his literary career that spanned more than two decades, Shakespeare has brought to the world 37 plays, 2 narrative poems and 154 sonnets. Shakespeare is skilled in displaying the psychological movements of the characters and his characters usually bear manifold qualities. The truth is that there is such a miraculous power in his work that the readers are prone to empathize with the person in literature: think as the figures would think and make judgments in their places. Undoubtedly, the readers can take a lesson from the plot, and better yet, through the exposure to the greatest thoughts and ideas, one can get baptized spiritually. His inspiration comes from many channels like chronicles, legends or romances by his contemporaries, but no matter what settings may be, Shakespeare write about his own people and for his own time.
    Macbeth, written in 1605, tells the story of Macbeth, a Scottish general, brave and loyalty at the beginning of the play, yet consumed by ambition, degenerate eventually into a monster of depravity.
    Macbeth is the shortest of the Four Tragedies and is considered as the darkest one. For centuries, Macbeth with its vehement plot and vivid description of psychological evolution has made it a favor on stages, adapted and performed both at home and abroad, and has also attracted critics to interpret it from various angels.
    Lady Macbeth, perhaps one of the most noticeable female characters of Shakespeare’s plays, has long been regarded as a cruel and cold-blooded woman who incites her husband to commit the regicide. She is a “fiend queen” for Malcolm and a super witch in the eyes of Goethe. Critics who hold the similar view see her as a wicked woman of strong will who is at the very start intrepid, proud and forward-“a Machiavellian adventurer who is in possession of enormous subversive power” (Yang, Sun 126).
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