    摘 要好莱坞电影文化征服了全球,在全球电影市场占有不可撼动的地位。好莱坞动画电影以其丰富的视觉造型、高科技手段和电影场景的豪华、奇幻吸引了全球电影观众。本文通过使用文本分析法对具有典型中国元素的好莱坞动画电影《木兰》和《功夫熊猫》系列进行分析,好莱坞动画电影中的中国元素是一把双刃剑——丰富了好莱坞电影文化的同时,促进了中国文化在世界的传播,这也对中国传统文化的传播和发展带来了机遇和挑战。通过研究好莱坞动画电影中的中国元素,我们可以更好地分析其对中国文化和美国文化产生的影响,探究中国文化在传播过程中可能遇到的问题并试图寻求解决之道,为中国文化在世界的传播提供有力借鉴。29241
    Abstract Hollywood movies conquered the world movie market with its unique features. Hollywood animated movies attract movie goers from all around the world with various visual role modeling, high-tech means of film-making and gorgeous fantastic movie scenes. By analyzing Hollywood’s typical Chinese featured animated movies Mulan and Kung Fu Panda series with the method of text analysis, this paper drew the conclusion that presenting Chinese elements in Hollywood movie is a double-edged sword; as it enriches the Hollywood film culture and enables Chinese Culture to be known throughout the world; meanwhile, it brings Chinese culture both opportunities and challenges. Studying about Chinese elements in Hollywood animated movies helps us better analyze the effects that they caused on Chinese culture and American culture. Exploring the potential obstacles, the paper tries to find out solutions in-need, and offer potent references for Chinese culture transmission around the world.
    Key words: Hollywood; animated movie; Chinese elements
    An Analysis of Chinese Elements in Hollywood Animated Movies
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. A Brief Introduction of Chinese Elements in Hollywood Animated Movies    2
     2.1 The Definition of Chinese Elements    2
     2.2 Patterns of Chinese Elements    3
      2.2.1 On the Level of Senses    3
      2.2.2 On the Level of Plots    6
      2.2.3 On the Level of Ideology    7
     2.3 The History of Chinese Elements in Hollywood Movies    7
    III. A Brief Introduction of Mulan and Kung Fu Panda Series    9
     3.1 Plot Analysis    9
     3.2 An Analysis of Chinese Elements in Mulan and Kung Fu Panda Series    11
      3.2.1 Mulan Series    11
      3.2.2 Kung Fu Panda Series    12
    IV. The Reasons and Effects of Chinese Elements    13
     4.1 The Reasons of Hollywood’s Presenting Chinese Elements in Movies    13
      4.1.1 Profound Chinese Culture    13
      4.1.2 Hollywood’s Demand of Various Movie Themes    14
     4.2 Effects of Hollywood’s Presenting Chinese Elements    14
      4.2.1 On Chinese Culture and Chinese Film Industry    14
      4.2.2 On the American Culture and Hollywood Film Industries    15
      4.2.3 On the World Culture Transmission    15
     V. Conclusion    16
    Bibliography    18
    Acknowledgements    19
    I. Introduction
     Since the 1990s, Chinese elements began to appear in Hollywood movies every now and then, which have given rise to a wide public concern and heated discussion. Hollywood film makers invite Chinese actors and Chinese martial art instructors to participate in filming. Furthermore they also draw on traditional Chinese literary, myths and legends, China’s natural beautiful scenery and unique Chinese architecture. All of above help the audiences overseas deepen their understandings of China and Chinese culture. Meanwhile, Chinese people feel immensely proud of Chinese culture. But investigators must treat this phenomenon── FOREIGN MADE CHINESE CULTURE (the Chinese elements put in foreign made films or TV programs that are somehow different from Chinese local culture) properly (W.W. Zhang 28). Keep the positive attributes of it and remove the negatives through analyzing its advantages and disadvantages, in order to know better about Hollywood’s presenting Chinese elements in their movies and better guide the direction of Chinese culture transmission.
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