
    1.2Significance of the Study    3
    1.3Structure of the Thesis    4
    Chapter Two Literature Review    5
    2.1A Brief Introduction of the Current Study and Xu Yuanchong    5
    2.2A Brief Sketch of Li Qingzhao and Sheng Sheng Man    7
    2.2.1 Introduction of Li Qingzhao    7
    2.2.2 Introduction of Sheng Sheng Man    8
    2.3Introduction of Xu’s Translation of Sheng Sheng Man    9
    Chapter Three Theoretical Framework    10
    3.1The Theory of Beauty in Three Aspects    10
    3.1.1 The Origin of the Beauty in Three Aspects    11
    3.1.2The Application and position of the Beauty in Three Aspects    11
    3.2The Subjectivity of the translator    11
    3.2.1The Meaning of subjectivity of the translation    11
    3.3The Skopos Theory    13
    3.3.1The Definition of Skopos Theory    13
    3.3.2The Three Rules of Skopos Theory    13
    Chapter Four Results and Discussion    14
    4.1Viewing Sheng Sheng Man from Beauty in Three Aspects    14
    4.1.1 The First Beauty    14
    4.1.2The Second Beauty    15
    4.1.3The third Beauty    16
    4.2The Subjectivity of The Translator Reflected by The Translation    17
    4.3The Analysis of The Translation of The Poetry by Skopos Theory    17
    4.4The Attitudes Towards Xu’s Translation Achievement    18
    4.4.1Others’ Attitudes Towards Xu    18
    4.4.2The Attitudes of Himself    19
    Chapter Five Conclution    20
    References    21
    A Study of Xu Yuanchong’s Translation Style Accoding to ShengShengMan
    Chapter One Introduction
    1.1Purpose of the Study
      As a medium of exchange, translation plays an important role. In Xu’s translation career, he put forward many translation theories and formed his own unique translation style. Whether the translation of his works or his translation theories have gained a lot of praise. In the history of translation in China, no one can shake his status. This thesis attempts to review his translation of Sheng Sheng Man to find out his translation style. I think that the study will help us know Xu as a famous translator, as well as his unique translation style. Then , we can give an objective judgment to him and his translation . The results will lead our translation career to another new heights.

    1.2Significance of the Study
      Translation helps and promotes understanding between different cultures. It ,to some degree, depends the exchange and cooperation of the people over the world. Faced with pressure from the world stage, Chinese cultural "soft power" has become more and more important. These years, China insists “going out strategy”, adhere to open to the whole world, which also makes the world have a strong interest in Chinese culture.Then, the five thousand years of Chinese civilization has been further spread. In addition, it has promoted the harmony and development of the world.
    Xu Yuanchong has translated more than 60 Chinese , English and French literary masterpieces.When study his translation practice and theories, we can learn a lot. In the past years, we paid too much on the study of the western translation theories. Today, we should pay more attention to our own. In terms of translation, I firmly believe that we will hit a new high after the study. And then , we can make more great contribution in promoting the development of the motherland. On the world stage, we will become more competitive.

    1.3Structure of the Thesis
       The thesis consists of five parts:
  1. 上一篇:德语论文《尼伯龙根之歌》中折射出的德意志民族精神
  2. 下一篇:德语论文《白马骑士》主人公悲剧命运的成因
  1. 《少年派的奇幻漂流》中的隐喻分析

  2. 弗洛伊德人格理论角度解...

  3. 女性主义视角分析《玻璃...

  4. 《乞力马扎罗的雪》中哈里的精神分析

  5. 菲茨杰拉德在《了不起的盖茨比》中的厌女症

  6. 《永别了,武器》的写作主题和叙事策略

  7. 《永别了,武器》的写作主题和叙事策略

  8. 破碎机的文献综述及参考文献

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